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发表于 2017-12-12 16:52:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Sharks Rule the Reef’s Underwater Food Chain
    Predators like wolves affect their ecosystems by eating their prey. But a
more subtle impact involves fear. Predators also terrify prey species. And when,
for example, elk are hiding, they don’t spend as much time eating leaves. The
impact of a predator down through the food web all the way to plants is called a
"trophic cascade."
    Meanwhile, fish at a coral reef near the Fiji archipelago in the South
Pacific generally graze on the seaweeds that grow on the reef. But when reef
sharks emerge from deeper waters, it’s best to quit foraging and hide
    "Thinking about these other ecosystems, like wolves, their effects in their
ecosystems don’t play out in all places in all times. They happen to be most
pronounced in risky habitats, like river valleys or gorges.”
    Marine scientist Douglas Rasher, from the non-profit Bigelow Laboratory for
Ocean Sciences in Maine.
    海洋科学家Douglas Rasher,来自缅因州非营利性机构,Bigelow海洋科学实验室。
    “So it got me thinking that maybe these shallow habitats might be the place
where sharks have their most pronounced effects on the ecosystem."
    At one time, researchers did not even think trophic cascades even existed
in the real world, and many still debate whether sharks can drive trophic
cascades on coral reefs. By observing reef communities in Fiji’s Votua Marine
Reserve, Rasher and his team discovered that sharks do in fact influence plant
growth on the reefs—by scaring the herbivorous fish away from eating them.
    Here’s how it works: when the tide rises, sharks make hunting raids into
the shallow lagoons. The fish stop eating and hide instead. But during low tide,
the predators are isolated in deeper waters, unable to access the reef-enclosed
lagoons. That’s when the fish can safely graze.
    "All the fish in this system have a very keen sense of when the tide is
coming up and when the tide is going out. If you just sort of sit there and
watch through the transition, you see, particularly with the large herbivores,
as the tide starts to drop they seem to know it, and they jet. And it’s really
    The upshot is that the deeper parts of the reef are more extensively
grazed, while seaweed grows more freely on the higher parts of the reef that are
accessible to the fish only when they are focused on avoiding becoming a shark’s
lunch. The results are in the journal Scientific Reports.
    For Rasher, these findings mean that the question is no longer whether
sharks influence the dynamics of reef plant and animal communities, but instead
under what conditions they do so.
    "Predators can have important impacts on coral reefs, but we need to look
carefully to determine when and where those important impacts exist."

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