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发表于 2017-10-12 22:03:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          Have overseas degrees lost their value?
          During the past few decades, the social opinion on overseas education has
changed. News reports about youths returning after studying abroad, which costs
hundreds of thousands of dollars, but ending up with low-paying jobs have made
people wonder whether it’s still worth sending their children overseas for
education. Two education experts share their views on the issue.
          Unfair to label overseas diplomas ’worthless’
          As a young teacher working in a Chinese college after earning a college
degree in the United States, I have to say that it’s neither fair nor respectful
to label an overseas college degree "meaningless". Social attitude toward
overseas returned students has changed from widespread appreciation to bias.
This calls for employers to analyze different cases differently.
          That more and more Chinese students have easier access to overseas
education than before does not necessarily mean overseas degrees have become
worthless. For example, majors such as journalism, finance and engineering, are
actually "imported goods". They did not exist in China, let alone the other
majors in overseas universities that still have the best rankings around the
world. So there’s no ground for questioning the quality of education Chinese
students receive abroad. Take the major of business journalism I teach at the
University of International Business and Economics. This major in Arizona State
University ranks 1st in the US, and I believe people in China have barely heard
the name of this university.
          Employers should not seek only candidates with Ivy League college degrees,
but they should not be deceived by degrees from some mysterious universities
overseas either. That is to say, they should not go to extremes.
          It’s good to see students becoming increasingly competitive thanks to their
diversified academic backgrounds. Now it’s time for employers to evolve, to have
the ability to differentiate between good and bad, in order to formulate a basic
cognitive system to evaluate the quality of candidates who have studied abroad,
as they cannot be identified as key universities like China. This will allow
employers to comprehensively evaluate the candidates’ educational qualifications
and personal abilities.
          Overseas returned talents still rare
          News about youths returning after earning a college degree and working for
a few years abroad landing a job in China for a monthly salary of only 7,000
yuan ($1,089), much less than his or her pay overseas, prompts some people to
believe overseas college degrees have lost their value.
          In the 1980s, the students who got government funding to study abroad were
selected from hundreds of thousands of candidates. In the 1990s, the number of
self-funded students increased, but most of them usually obtained their
bachelor’s degree from a top Chinese university such as Tsinghua University or
Peking University and then proceeded overseas for higher studies.
          Now anyone whose parents can afford to pay can get admitted to a college
overseas. And in their blind race to get an overseas college degree, students
even enroll in almost unknown or unrecognized colleges. However, of the about
544,500 Chinese students studying abroad in 2016-an overwhelming 498,200 of them
self-funded-only 390,000 returned to China. And most of them were undergraduate
or junior college students, with only 5 percent being PhD candidates. This shows
talents with cutting-edge skills rarely return and are still precious
          According to a rough estimate, given the current situation of the job
market, a person with three years’ work experience will usually receive higher
pay and better treatment than one holding a master’s degree. So operational
capability and work experience are the two key factors that really matter in the
long run, while a college degree is just a key to open the door to your
          来源:China Daily

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