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发表于 2017-8-10 16:23:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    Clues to a ‘ghost’ species of ancient human found in saliva
    In saliva, scientists have found hints that a “ghost” species of archaic
humans may have contributed genetic material to ancestors of people living in
Sub-Saharan Africa today.
    The research adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that sexual
rendezvous between different archaic human species may not have been
    Past studies have concluded that the forebears of modern humans in Asia and
Europe interbred with other early hominin species, including Neanderthals and
Denisovans. The new research is among more recent genetic analyses indicating
that ancient Africans also had trysts with other early hominins.
    “It seems that interbreeding between different early hominin species is not
the exception — it’s the norm,” says Omer Gokcumen, PhD, an assistant professor
of biological sciences in the University at Buffalo College of Arts and
    水牛城艺术与科学学院生物科学助理教授Omer Gokcumen博士说:“似乎早期人类不同物种之间的杂交并不是特例,而是一种规则。”
    “Our research traced the evolution of an important mucin protein called
MUC7 that is found in saliva,” he says. “When we looked at the history of the
gene that codes for the protein, we see the signature of archaic admixture in
modern day Sub-Saharan African populations.”
    The research was published on July 21 in the journal Molecular Biology and
Evolution. The study was led by Gokcumen and Stefan Ruhl, DDS, PhD, a professor
of oral biology in UB’s School of Dental Medicine.
    A tantalising clue in saliva
    The scientists came upon their findings while researching the purpose and
origins of the MUC7 protein, which helps give spit its slimy consistency and
binds to microbes, potentially helping to rid the body of disease-causing
    As part of this investigation, the team examined the MUC7 gene in more than
2,500 modern human genomes. The analysis yielded a surprise: A group of genomes
from Sub-Saharan Africa had a version of the gene that was wildly different from
versions found in other modern humans.
    The Sub-Saharan variant was so distinctive that Neanderthal and Denisovan
MUC7 genes matched more closely with those of other modern humans than the
Sub-Saharan outlier did.
    “Based on our analysis, the most plausible explanation for this extreme
variation is archaic introgression — the introduction of genetic material from a
‘ghost’ species of ancient hominins,” Gokcumen says. “This unknown human
relative could be a species that has been discovered, such as a subspecies of
Homo erectus, or an undiscovered hominin. We call it a ‘ghost’ species because
we don’t have the fossils.”
    Given the rate that genes mutate during the course of evolution, the team
calculated that the ancestors of people who carry the Sub-Saharan MUC7 variant
interbred with another ancient human species as recently as 150,000 years ago,
after the two species’ evolutionary path diverged from each other some 1.5 to 2
million years ago.
    Why MUC7 matters
    The scientists were interested in MUC7 because in a previous study they
showed that the protein likely evolved to serve an important purpose in
    In some people, the gene that codes for MUC7 holds six copies of genetic
instructions that direct the body to build parts of the corresponding protein.
In other people, the gene harbors only five sets of these instructions (known as
tandem repeats).
    Prior studies by other researchers found that the five-copy version of the
gene protected against asthma, but Gokcumen and Ruhl did not see this
association when they ran a more detailed analysis.
    The new study did conclude, however, that MUC7 appears to influence the
makeup of the oral microbiome, the collection of bacteria within the mouth. The
evidence for this came from an analysis of biological samples from 130 people,
which found that different versions of the MUC7 gene were strongly associated
with different oral microbiome compositions.
    “From what we know of MUC7, it makes sense that people with different
versions of the MUC7 gene could have different oral microbiomes,” Ruhl says.
“The MUC7 protein is thought to enhance the ability of saliva to bind to
microbes, an important task that may help prevent disease by clearing unwanted
bacteria or other pathogens from the mouth.”
    In addition to Ruhl and Gokcumen, the research team included Duo “Erica”
Xu, the study’s first author and a UB PhD student in biological sciences; Pavlos
Pavlidis, PhD, and Nikolaos Alachiotis, PhD, of the Foundation for Research and
Technology — Hellas in Greece; Colin Flanagan, a UB undergraduate who has
completed his degree in biological sciences; Ran Blekhman, PhD, of the
University of Minnesota; and Michael DeGiorgio, PhD, of Pennsylvania State
    除了Ruhl和Gokcumen,研究小组还有Duo “Erica” Xu,该论文研究的第一作者,乌兰巴托生物科学博士生;研究与技术基金会的Pavlos
Pavlidis博士和Nikolaos Alachioti博士,希腊的Hellas;已完成本科生物科学学位的乌兰巴托的Colin
Flanagan;明尼苏达大学的Ran Blekhman博士;宾夕法尼亚州立大学的Michael DeGiorgio博士。
    The research was funded primarily by the University at Buffalo Research
Foundation, with additional support from InnovCrete and the National Institute
of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

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