发表于 2017-8-7 00:26:09
5. 研究生妈妈
post-graduate mothers
The number of "post-graduate mothers" is rising steadily, a doctor at
Beijing Normal University's school hospital said.
为了在低迷的就业市场(sluggish labor market)求职时取得优势(seek advantages in
如今,"打算什么时候结婚要孩子?"已成为女大学生求职时必被问到的问题(compulsory question)。为增加求职竞争力(enhance
competitiveness),女研究生们会在简历上注明其"已婚已育"(married and have a
child)的优势。因为雇主会考虑女性产假(maternity leave)等成本,这一招在求职中非常有效。
虽然已育的妈妈更好找工作,但现实中高校内产子对女生还是有很多实际困难。没有收入来源(source of
income)的在校生要抚养孩子,首先要面临经济上的挑战(economic challenges)。
此外,目前北京的高校学生公费医疗(free medical service)并不包含生育保险(maternity
insurance),非高校集体户口的外地已婚学生要办《生育服务证》,需回到户口所在地。这意味着,生孩子的医疗报销(medical expense
reimbursement)、给孩子上户口(get a household registration)都要来回折腾。
自由职业者 freelancer
自主创业 self-employment
就业压力 employment pressure
隐性就业 unregistered employment
毕剩客 unemployed graduates
就业歧视 employment discrimination
就业前景 job prospects
被就业 be said to have found jobs
6. 股票发行注册制
registration-based IPO mechanism
An executive meeting of the State Council on Wednesday discussed a draft
seeking authorization from the top legislature to implement registration-based
IPO mechanism at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
所谓注册制,主要是指发行人申请发行股票时,必须依法将公开的各种资料完全准确地向证券监管机构申报。证券监管机构的职责是(be responsible
过去20余年里,股票发行融资制度也经历了从审批制到核准制(approval-based system)的不同发展阶段。中国证监会(China
Securities Regulatory Commission)表示,注册制改革是一个循序渐进的过程(take place
slowly),对新股发行节奏和价格不会一下子放开(limits on the number of new shares on offer at any
given time will not be deregulated immediately),不会造成新股大规模扩容(large numbers of new
shares flooding the market at the same time)。
注册制实施后,现有在审企业排队顺序不作改变(enterprises will be listed based on their existing
positions on the IPO waiting list),确保审核工作平稳有序过渡(ensure a smooth and orderly
transition from the approval-based system)。待全国人大常委会授权后,有关部门(related government
organs)将就新制度实施、股票上市后的监管力度(the supervision levels required after
listings)制定细则(work out detailed
首次公开募股 initial public offering, IPO
融资 financing
证券 security
(欧洲的)证券交易所 bourse
主板 main board
创业板,二板 second board
国际板 international board
7. 雾霾红色预警
red alert for smog
Beijing's first ever red alert for smog was lifted Thursday, as blue skies
and sunshine replaced the thick haze that covered the city for days.
空气重污染红色预警(red alert for heavy air pollution)是空气重污染的最高预警等级(the highest tier
of the warning system)。2013年10月,我国将空气重污染预警分为蓝色、黄色、橙色、红色预警四个级别。
蓝色预警为空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,
针对此次红色预警,北京市环保局建议市民减少户外活动(reduce outdoor
activities)。北京市教委要求中小学、幼儿园及校外教育机构停课(suspend classes in all elementary and middle
schools, kindergartens and extracurricular training
schools)。此外,北京全市范围内实施机动车单双号限行(traffic restrictions based on even- and
odd-numbered license plates),公务用车(government
cars)在单双号限行基础上再停驶30%;施工工地停止室外施工作业(outdoor operations of construction sites are
细微颗粒 fine particles
污染物 pollutant
空气末日 airpocalypse
首要污染源 major pollution source
空气净化器 air purifier
空气过滤口罩 air filtration face masks
8. 免签项目
visa waiver program
The US House of Representatives on Tuesday has voted overwhelmingly in
support of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act of 2015.
这项法案规定,在2011年3月1日后访问过叙利亚、伊拉克、伊朗、苏丹等国的免签国家和地区(visa waiver countries and
regions)旅行者将无法获得赴美免签待遇(visa-free entry to the US),而需申请签证(apply for a
visa),通过更严格的安全审查(tighter security screening)。
此外,参与美国免签项目(visa waiver program)的国家的公民,如果拥有伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚与苏丹双重国籍(dual
nationality),也无法参加这项计划。法案还要求所有免签国和地区今后签发带有电子芯片和旅行者生物特征信息的护照(passports with chips
containing a traveler's biometric
information),并呼吁这些国家与美国共享有关恐怖活动和嫌疑犯的情报(intelligence data on terror and criminal
签证申请表格 visa application form
签证面谈 visa interview
申根签证 Schengen visa
单次/多次入境签证 single/multiple entry visa
落地签证 visa on arrival
旅游签证 tourist visa
商务签证 business visa
留学签证 study/student visa
工作签证 work visa
家属签证 dependent visa
互免签证协议 mutual visa-exemption agreement
72小时过境免签 72-hour visa-free transit
绿卡 green card