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Lebanese army takes full control of northern camp









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发表于 2017-8-6 14:22:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BEIRUT, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- The Lebanese army on Sunday totally took control of a Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon after fighting a group of Islamist militants holed up there for over three months, the pan-Arab al-Jazeera satellite TV reported.
    An army spokesman announced on Sunday afternoon that the army has seized the last positions of the al-Qaida-inspired Fatah al-Islam militants in the camp, and the battle is over.                     Lebanese soldiers gesture on the       outskirts of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon September 2,       2007. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)Photo Gallery>>>
He added that the soldiers were still clearing the camp, which had been entrenched by the militants, of mines and explosives, but there were no more clashes.
    From the TV footage of the al-Jazeera Arab language channel, nearby residents are seen celebrating the victory around the camp, waving the Lebanese flag.
    In the morning, some 20 Islamist militants and two Lebanese soldiers were killed in clashes amid a desperate attempt of the militants to break out of the camp, some 12 km north of Tripoli.                     Lebanese civilians celebrate after their       army took control of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon       September 2, 2007.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)Photo Gallery>>>
The Lebanese army have been battling with the militants of Fatah al-Islam, which is listed by the Lebanese government as a terrorist network aimed at destabilizing Lebanon, since May 20.
    The army has refused to halt its military offensive before the militants surrender, but the gunmen have vowed to fight to the very end. The bloodiest internal violence since the Lebanese 1975-1990 civil war has killed more than 200 people.
                    Lebanese civilians chant slogans and       wave national flags as they celebrate the army taking over of the Nahr       al-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon September 2, 2007. (Xinhua/Reuters       Photo)Photo     Gallery>>>

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