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U.S. foreclosures up 93% over same time last year









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-8-6 14:20:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BEIJING, Aug. 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Foreclosure filings in the United States were up 9 percent from June to July and soared 93 percent over the same period last year. Georgia, Michigan and Nevada accounted for the highest rates nationwide, a research firm said Tuesday.  The filings include auction sale notices, bank repossessions and default notices. The figures are the latest indication of an ailing housing market, which has seen defaults and foreclosures surge as borrowers have failed to make payments or find buyers.
    "While 43 states experienced year-over-year increases in foreclosure activity, just five states — California, Florida, Michigan, Ohio and Georgia — accounted for more than half of the nation's total foreclosure filings," said RealtyTrac Chief Executive James J. Saccacio.
    In all, 179,599 foreclosure filings were reported during July, up from 92,845 in the year-ago month, according to Irvine-based RealtyTrac Inc. A total of 164,644 foreclosure filings were reported in June.
    The national foreclosure rate in July was one filing for every 693 households, the firm said.
    Nevada posted the highest foreclosure rate: one filing for every 199 households, or more than three times the national average. It reported 5,116 filings during the month, an increase of 8 percent from June.
    Georgia's foreclosure rate was more than twice the national average, with one filing for every 299 households. The state reported 12,602 foreclosure filings, up 75 percent from June.
    Michigan reported 13,979 filings in July, a 39 percent spike from June. California, Florida, and Ohio were among the states with the highest number of foreclosure filings in July, the firm said.
    Lagging home sales and flat or decreasing home prices have made it more difficult for homeowners who fall behind on payments to sell their homes and clear the debt, spurring the rise in foreclosure activity.

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