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发表于 2017-8-6 13:58:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
历年真题是考研复习的重要参考资料,每一位考生都需要把真题多研究几遍,有助于大家了解考试题型、结构,提前做好时间 分配,也有助于考生通过真题了解知识点的考察方向。为此,新东方在线小编和大家分享mba考研历年英语真题及答案,希望考生认真分析研究。
    Section I Vocabulary and Structure (20x0.5= 10 points

    1--5: BAADB 6--10: DCCDC  11--15: BACCC 16--20: BABAD
        Section II Cloze ( 15 x 1=15 points)
    21--25 CADBA 26—30 BDCABB  31--35 ABDBA 36—40 BBCDC
        Section III Reading Comprehension ( 20x2=40 points )
    41--45: CADBC 46--50: BCADA     51--55: ABCCA 55--60: CBDBD
    Section IV Translation ( 20x1=20 points ) (参考译文)
        Section V Writing (20 points)
        范 文
    As can be seen from the above table, comparing to the past, in 2005, the
traffic accidents in Chinese city were still ignored by both drivers and
pedestrians. Records show that some badly changes had taken place in the
following aspects.
    In the year of 2005, accidents in a Chinese city caused by drivers training
left without due care grew 10%, which is 608 in total. And drivers turning too
close to other vehicles cause the number of accidents to be 411, which is 9%
added comparing to the past. Although there was only 281 accidents related with
drivers driving under the influence of alcohol, it still increased 15% which was
the greatest change of all. Besides the drivers, the table also tells us those
pedestrians crossing roads carelessly can’t be ignored, with which the number of
accidents is 401 associated.
    It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that
are responsible for the changes . For one thing, the government is still not
aware of the necessary of strict training for drivers. It is government
officers’failing in their duty that make the drivers training left without due
care. For another, divers do not have true understanding in importance of save.
Many drivers even drive under the influence of alcohol; some drivers turn too
close to another vehicles or overtake another vehicles in front in order to
catch pleasant sensation for a moment. Besides, an important factor worth our
concern is that our pedestrians always cross road crossly. some citizens even
violate traffic rules in order for convenient.
    Considering the current issue and worsening situation, we should call for
some immediate actions. In other words, our government of various levels must
make relevant plans or rules to guarantee every drivers having strict training.
Besides, the general public should also be made aware that any prompt solution
is of benefit to all.
    Therefore, it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the
action. As a driver, we should drive his car carefully, especially when the
weather is bad; as a pedestrian, we should not cross a road when the traffic
lights do not permit them to.

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