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2015考研英语词汇复习:中医常见词汇 (1)









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发表于 2017-8-6 09:48:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1. Chuan-Yue NIU (Foreign Language Education Center, Shanghai University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203)
    2. La-Ping WANG (College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Normal University,
Shanghai 200233, China )
    1 内涵是纲,其余皆目
    比如他将“列缺”穴意译为Broken Sequence(即“断裂的序列”),将丰隆穴意译为Bountiful
of lightning,而不是什么broken sequence.当然“丰隆”也不是什么bountiful bulge,而是god of
    2 垂范有度,行之有序
heart governing the blood vessels还是the heart governs the blood
on, according to等等,可以不必强求同一。
    阴阳学说:阴阳(Yin and Yang);阴中之阳(Yang within
Yin,其他类似术语依此类推):对立(opposition);互根(interdependence);消长(waning and
    精、气、神等:精(essence);气(qi或Qi);神(spirit或mind);魂(ethereal soul);魄(corporeal
fluid);液(thick fluid);津液(body fluid);汗(sweat);涎(drool);涕(snivel)。
    脏腑:脏(Zang-organs);腑(Fu-organs);脏腑(Zang-Fu organs或viscera);三焦(triple
energizer);奇恒之腑(extraordinary Fu-organs);骨度(bone
measurement);心阴(heart-Yin,其他脏腑之阴阳依此类推);运化(transportation and
transformation);生化(generation and transformation);肃降(purify and
descend);水道(water passage);天癸(Tiangui);先天(innateness);纳气(reception of Qi)。
meridians或regular channels);经气(meridian-Qi或channel-Qi);孙络(minute
collateral);浮络(superficial collateral);穴位(acupoint)。
    病因:病因(cause of disease);邪(pathogenic factor);六淫(six exogenous pathogenic
factors);风(pathogenic wind);寒(pathogenic cold);暑(pathogenic
summer-heat);湿(pathogenic dampness);燥(pathogenic dryness);火(pathogenic
fire);内风(endogenous wind,其他内生病邪的翻译依此类推);毒(toxin);五志(five emotions);七情(seven
emotions);(有形之)痰(sputum);(无行之)痰(phlegm);饮(retained fluid)
    病机:病机(pathogenesis);偏盛(relative predominance);偏衰(relative
decline);虚(deficiency);实(excess);(阴阳气血)失调(disharmony);痰迷心窍(confusion of mind by
    诊断:诊法(diagnostic method);证(syndrome);证型(syndrome type);证候(symptoms and
signs);四诊合参(synthesis of the four diagnostic
methods);望诊(inspection);面色(complexion);望舌(inspection of tongue);舌苔(tongue
coating);闻诊(listening and smelling);谵语(delirium);问诊(inquiry);脉诊(pulse
diagnosis);切脉(taking pulse);脉象(pulse condition);浮脉(floating pulse);沉脉(deep
pulse);迟脉(slow pulse);数脉(rapid pulse);洪脉(surging pulse);细脉(thin pulse);虚脉(empty
pulse);实脉(excess pulse);长脉(long pulse);短脉(short pulse);滑脉(slippery
pulse);涩脉(unsmooth pulse);弦脉(taut pulse);紧脉(tense pulse);濡脉(soggy
pulse);缓脉(moderate pulse);微脉(faint pulse)弱脉(weak pulse);散脉(scattered
pulse);芤脉(hollow pulse);革脉(tympanic pulse);牢脉(firm pulse);伏脉(hidden
pulse);动脉(throbbing pulse);代脉(intermittent pulse);结脉(knotted pulse);促脉(abrupt
pulse);大脉(large pulse);软脉(soft pulse);疾脉(swift pulse);怪脉(strange
pulse);寸口(Cunkou);恶寒(aversion to
cold,其他类似用语之翻译依此类推);痞(mass);满(fullness);纳呆(anorexia);口苦(bitter taste in the
mouth,其他类似用语之翻译依此类推);完谷不化(undigested food in stools);里急后重(tenesmus);五更泄(diarrhea
before dawn);按诊(palpation)。
    辨证:八纲(eight principles);表里(exterior and interior);寒热(cold and
heat)辨证(syndrome differentiation);八纲辨证(eight-principle syndrome
differentiation);表虚证(exterior deficiency syndrome,其他类似用语之翻译依此类推);风火证(wind-fire
    治则与治法:治则(therapeutic principle);正治(routine treatment);反治(contrary
treatment);治法(therapeutic method);八法(eight therapeutic methods);汗法(diaphoretic
therapy或sweating therapy);吐法(emetic therapy或vomiting therapy);下法(purgation
therapy);和法(harmonizing therapy);温法(warming therapy);清法(clearing
therapy);消法(resolving therapy);补法(tonifying therapy);开窍(resuscitation
therapy)。中药方剂:中药(Chinese materia medica或Chinese
herbs);方剂(prescription或formula);四气五味(four properties and five
    3 老话新说,意犹未尽

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发表于 2017-8-6 11:24:33 | 显示全部楼层
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