complex adj. 复杂的, 合成的, 综合的 n.联合体
解析:【同】complex, complicated, intricate, involved
【辨析】complex 暗示相关部分的关系;
The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.
To one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology.
complicated 强调各部分之间的细微关系;
Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive
intricate 着重于各部分交织在一起很难区分或分析:如克里特岛的迷宫。
involved 强调若是把各部分混在一起将是难以区分的:想象漩涡的形状。
The plot of the play has been criticized as being too involved.
computer n. 计算机, 电脑
解析:【辨析】计算器是 calculator
computer-based adj. 利用[借助]计算机的
computerman n. 计算机工作人员;计算机专家
computer-oriented adj. 研制计算机的
computer-polled adj. 计算机登记的;计算机选择的
conclusion n. 结束, 缔结, 结论
解析:in conclusion 最后,总之
bring a matter to a speedy conclusion 使事情迅速结束
the conclusion of a peace treaty 缔结和约
conclusion of business 成交
a foregone conclusion 早已确定的事,必然的结果,毫无疑问的事
arrive at(come to, draw, reach) a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落
at the conclusion of 当... 完结时
bring to a conclusion 使结束;谈定(买卖等)
come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是…,
draw the conclusion 得出结论,推断
leap (jump) to a conclusion 冒然断定,过早下结论
try conclusions with 和... 决最后胜负,争(最后)优劣;试验
conduct n. 行为, 操行 v.引导, 管理, 为人, 传导
解析:a theory of conduct 品行论
a bad conduct 恶劣行为
infamous conduct 违反职业道德的行为(特指医生)
safe conduct( 战时)通行证
under the conduct of 在... 指导[管理]下
His conduct of the business was very successful.
consequences n. 结果, 【逻】推理, 推论, 因果关系, 重要的地位
解析:answer for the consequences 对后果负责
as a consequence 因而,结果
face the consequences of one's action 自食其果
in consequence 因此,结果
in consequence of... 的结果,因为... 的缘故,由于
of consequence 有势力的;重要的
take the consequences 自食其果,承担责任
take upon oneself the consequences 自己承担后果
without negative consequence 没有副作用
without reflecting on the consequences 不顾后果
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