101. There are too many abstract notions and complicated local discussions in our psychology textbook.
102. The responsible tutor teaches the violin and the trumpet in a remarkable orchestra
103. My nephew studies ranked alphabet, simple plus and minus calculation in the kindergarten.
104. Registered at the related sector, he got an exclusive license of running a private school.
105. The dean consents our faculty to found a semiconductor seminar.
106. The teacher stood on the platform and emphasized the spelling of some plural nouns in the vocabulary repeatedly.
107. After the skiing contest last semester, the coach rewarded the champion abundant award; contrarily, he criticized the absent student.
108. The Midwest Career Service Office coordinates the companies and students regarding the interview.
109. After the teacher’s interpretation, exemplification and comparison, students comprehended the respective meaning of ”clap” and “slap” consequently.
110. He was enlightened by the teacher and replaced his faulty calculation of the mathematical equation.
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