61. With somewhat panic expression, grabbing the mobile phone, she dashed off the dormitory.
62. The princess with curly hair wore a crown decorated with small cube crystal (ruby) at the luncheon.
63. He shrugged his shoulder, indirectly implying that he was indifferent to the ballet concert in a nearby pub
64. In a snack-bar, he dips tomato jam in a tray with the loaf when sucking soda.
65. Despite of holding an umbrella, the trousers of the viewer on the muddy wayside were soaked.
66. They cheer with Coca-cola, exchanging congratulations for having been aboard an aircraft carrier.
67. The muscular boxer exerted every ounce of energy in this fierce vital punch to punish his opponent.
68. My partner, who is licking ice-cream, has rich imagination and speaks fluent oral English.
69. The elegant bride embraced her lover tenderly at the wedding.
70. Though being a deaf and dumb mechanic, he holds no negative (passive) attitude to whatsoever his work and never lags.
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