1. American women were _________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
A. ignored B. neglected
C. denied D. refused
2. An argument was _________ because they disliked each other so intensely.
A. possible B. probable
C. inevitable D. decisive
3. An elephant’s trunk is its most noticeable ________
A. Specific B. characteristic
C. peculiar D. particular
4. Animals can become usually_________ when they are upset by a sudden environmental change.
A. vigorous B. predominant
C. aggressive D. irritable
5. Anything that is able to flow as liquid is a kind of ________ substance.
A. mobile B. variable
C. fluid D. movable
6. Anything that is dropped from a height falls towards tile center of the earth because of the pull of _________.
A. weight B. attraction
C. gravity D. density
7. Applicants are _________to provide evidence that their English is good enough to study in the United States.
A. demanded B. obliged
C. due D. necessary
8. Are the apples __________enough to eat yet?
A. mature B. big
C. adult D. ripe
9. Are you ________ when you say that you will help me?
A. honest B. frank
C. sincere D. profound
10. _________ are you to leave your post.
A. In any case B. In no case
C. Without question D. Out of the question
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