I. Phrase Translation
OPEC:石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
GNP:国民生产总值(gross national product)
SOHO: 在家上班族(Small Office/Home Office); 居家办公
CBD: 中央商务区(Central Business District) ;交货前付款(Cash Before Delivery)
non—government organization: 非政府组织
air pollution index: 空气污染指数
European debt crisis: 欧债危机
fiscal cliff: 财政悬崖;财政危局
middle income trap: 中等收入陷阱
cultural deficit: 文化逆差
market entry: 市场准入
spot trade:现货贸易;现货交易
international litigation:国际诉讼
source language: 源语言
domesticating translation:归化翻译;归化翻译法;归化法
文化市场: Cultural Markets
创新型国家:innovative country ; innovation-oriented country
环保产业:Environmental Industry; environmental protection industry
私营经济:private economy;the private sector
综合国力:comprehensive national strength
存款准备金: required reserves; Deposit Reserve
反倾销: anti-dumping
法律援助: Legal Aid
微博: microblog
高铁: high-speed rail
农民工: migrant worker;rural migrant workers in cities
诗经: The Book of Songs
II. Passage translation
Section A English to Chinese
Last week, the Pew Research Center released a report called “The Rise of
Asian Americans,” offering a portrait seemingly full of good news. Asian
Americans, Pew said, are on the whole more educated, affluent and happier than
other Americans. They hew more strongly to family values and an ethic of hard
work. And, quietly, these 17 million Asian Americans have surpassed Hispanics as
the largest and fastest-growing cohort of immigrants to the U.S.
The report made headlines everywhere: “Asians Top of the Immigration Class”
was a typical, if somewhat ham-handed, one. The leading advocacy groups for
Asian Americans were silent for a beat. Then they decried the report. It was
“disparaging,” “shallow,” “disturbing.” It perpetuated a patronizing stereotype
of Asians as dutiful nerds, a “model minority.” It overlooked the true cultural
diversity of the Asian population and obscured the struggles and pain of
countless Asians.
Rarely in either the Pew report or in the advocates’ response was this
possibility raised: both the good and the bad could be true at the same
Welcome to race in America. It may be 2012, and we may have a black
President, but public discussion of race remains inexorably, insanely binary.
American race talk used to be literally black-and-white, leaving no room for
other colors. Now the problem is it’s figuratively black-and-white. For all our
rainbow multiculturalism, there are still basically two choices — in or out,
mainstream or opposition, powerful or powerless. Sometimes the labels white and
black are used, but they signify more than hue or actual demography — they
signify polarity — and any cognitive dissonance must be resolved to one or the
This is why those Asian-American advocates felt they had to blast the Pew
report. When forced by the media to choose between telling an achievement story
or an injustice story — Is yellow white or black? — they felt compelled to
choose the latter. That’s understandable. There is privation and injustice in
Asian America — from high poverty among Hmong(苗族) refugees to forgotten elders
in Chinatowns to the health struggles of Pacific Islanders — and if activists
privileged enough to have a voice use it to express complacency or
self-congratulation, then they aren’t doing their job.
Section B Chinese to English
经济发展必须与环境保护相协调。经济发展是人类生存和进步所必需的,也是保 护和改善环境的物质保证。消除贫困、发展经济是
大多数发展中国家当前面临的首要任务。在解决全 球环境问题时,应充分考虑发展中国家的特殊情况 和合理需要。国际社会应该作出切实努力,改善发
展中国家在债务、贸易、资金等领域面临的困难处 境,促使其经-济发展。同时,各国的经济发展应该 实行保持生态系统良性循环的发展战略,实现经济
保护环境和发展离不开世界的 和平与稳定。战争和动乱不仅造成生命、财产的重 大损失,对于生态环境也必然会带来严重破坏。在
推进世界环境保护和发展事业的同时,各国应致力 于本国的稳定,维护地区和世界的和平。通过谈判 和平解决一切争端,反对诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。 |