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  Section ⅠUse of English
  Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWERSHEET 1. (10 points)
  Many foreigners who havenot visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they are used tothinking of the British Isles as England. 1, the British Isles contain avariety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. Theothers 2 to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, 3 the casemay be; they are often slightly annoyed 4 being classified as “English”.
  Even in England there aremany 5 in regional character and speech. The chief 6 is betweensouthern England and northern England. South of a 7 going from Bristolto London, people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students,8 there are local variations.
  Further north regionalspeech is usually “9”than that of southern Britain. Northerners are 10to claim that they work harder than Southerners, and are more 11. Theyare open-hearted and hospitable; foreigners often find that they make friendswith them 12. Northerners generally have hearty 13: the visitorto Lancashire or Yorkshire, for instance, may look forward to receivinggenerous 14 at meal times.
  In accent and character thepeople of the Midlands 15 a gradual change from the southern to thenorthern type of Englishman.
  In Scotland the sound 16by the letter “R” is generally a strong sound, and “R” is often pronounced inwords in which it would be 17 in southern English. The Scots are said tobe a serious, cautious, thrifty people, 18 inventive and somewhatmystical. All the Celtic peoples of Britain (the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots)are frequently 19 as being more “fiery” than the English. They are 20a race that is quite distinct from the English. (289 words)
  Notes: fiery暴躁的,易怒的。
  1. In consequenceInbriefIn generalIn fact
  3. aswhichforso
  4. withbyatfor
  11. perfectnotorioussuperiorthorough
  16. delivereddenoteddepicteddefined
  Section ⅠUse of English
  Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWERSHEET 1. (10 points)
  It is generally recognizedin the world that the second Gulf War in Iraq is a crucial test of high-speedweb. For decades, Americans have anxiously 1 each war through a newcommunication 2, from the early silent film of World War I to the24-hour cable news 3 of the first Persian Gulf War.
  Now, 4 bombsexploding in Baghdad, a sudden increase in wartime 5 for online news hasbecome a central test of the 6 of high-speed Internet connections. It isalso a good 7 both to attract users to online media 8 and topersuade them to pay for the material they find there, 9 the value ofthe Cable News Network persuaded millions to 10 to cable during the lastwar in Iraq.
  11 by a steady rise over the last 18 months in the number of peoplewith high-speed Internet 12, now at more than 70 million in the UnitedStates, the web sites of many of the major news organizations have 13assembled a novel collage (拼贴) of 14 video,audio reports, photography collections, animated weaponry 15,interactive maps and other new digital reportage.
  These Internet services are16 on the remarkable abundance of sounds and images 17 from videocameras 18 on Baghdad and journalists traveling with troops. And theyhave found a 19 audience of American office workers 20 theircomputers during the early combat. (245 words)
  1. notified publicized followed pursued
  2. means mediummethod measure
  3. coverage publication convention conveyance
  4. during in as with
  5. report demandconcern prospect
  6. ability chance potential power
  7. opportunity perspective message response
  8. outlets resources circumstances positions
  9. for all that nowthat just as as if
  10. subjectcontribute apply subscribe
  11. Discouraged Inspired Impressed Effected
  12. approach usage application access
  13. radically plausibly orderly hastily
  14. living alivelive lively
  15. destruction displays installation contest
  16. capitalizing embarking broadcasting operating
  17. accessible desirable feasible available
  18. focused rested reckoned depended
19. continuous perpetual captive temporary
      20. with at beside near
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