考研网 发表于 2016-7-14 16:01:45


  北京新航道学校 李传伟
  Many families feel it is only natural to boost the amount they hand on to the next generation by taking whatever legal steps they can to avoid inheritance tax. By not paying, these families might1 , they are2the life chances of their successors, increasing their ability to afford3
  on homes,4 debt, meet the cost of university fees and higher education, or5in their own businesses.
  Another point of view,6, is that by avoiding tax on wealth they are 7a system that   8
  the life chances of an entire generation. John Whiting, of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, says: ‘The question of whether, if you have saved away for years, this9be returned to the pot is part of abroader philosophical10.’
  Inheritance tax is charged at 40 per cent on estates11 more than £263,000 for the tax year 2004-2005. Most accountants consider the tax as, in effect,12because of the13 of ways of14it.Increases in house prices over recent years have swelled the estates of people who would not consider themselves15 . Since 1997, the average UK house price expressed as a percentage of the IHT threshold has 16 from 32 per cent to around 65 per cent.
  The bank HBOS says 2 million UK householders are now17the tax on their estatesamazingly because of the value of their homes.18 Michael Moloco of solicitor Hunters PSM 19: ‘Basically, IHT is somethingthat20owners of most urban three-bed family homes.
  1. claim       pronounce complain       argue
  2. boosting    diminishing    strengthening manipulating
  3. withdrawals compensations returns    deposits
  4. prevent avoid restrict resume
  5. invest risk accomplish profit
  6. but furthermore however and
  7. subscribing to turning to capitalizing on counting on
  8. understands undermines underlines underlies
  9. would    should ought shall
  10. statement argument proposal maintenance
  11. valuing worth priced costing
  12. reluctant    gloomy voluntary beneficial
  13. shortage absence myriad avoidance
  14. evading invading    utilizing    expending
  15. abundant fortunate wealthy well-fed
  16. arisen risen    elevated inflated
  17. vulnerable to susceptible to liable to subject to
  18. So       Since    Thus    As
  19. interprets assumes suggests makes
  20. affects effects benefits rejects
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