考研网 发表于 2018-11-28 21:23:32


  双创升级版 upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation
  The State Council recently issued a document on promoting high-quality and upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The move is aimed at further optimizing the business environment, lowering the cost of entrepreneurship and innovation, enhancing the leading role of technology and innovation in the economy, and improving the service capacity of supporting platforms.
  27日,国务院发布了《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造"双创"升级版的意见》。意见提出"双创"升级版的六大目标:第一,创新创业服务全面升级(upgrade service capacity in mass entrepreneurship and innovation);第二,创业带动就业能力明显提升(mass entrepreneurship will be upgraded to drive up employment);第三,科技成果转化(transformation of scientific achievements)应用能力显著增强;第四,高质量创新创业集聚区(high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship clusters)不断涌现;第五,大中小企业创新创业价值链(value chain)有机融合;第六,国际国内创新创业资源深度融汇。
  围绕上述目标,意见还提出了一系列的"升级"举措,包括简政放权(administration will be further streamlined and more power will be delegated to lower level departments)释放创新创业活力(inject vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship),放管结合(keep a right balance between delegation and the exercise of control)营造公平市场环境(fair market environment),加大财税政策支持力度(supportive fiscal policy will be strengthened),鼓励和支持科研人员积极投身科技创业,完善"互联网+"创新创业(Internet Plus innovation and entrepreneurship)服务体系等。
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