考研网 发表于 2018-11-27 20:18:41


  1. 分娩镇痛
  pain relief during labor and delivery
  China's National Health Commission has released a work plan for the
  nationwide promotion of pain relief during labor and delivery.
  据介绍,这项为期三年的计划旨在减少因不能耐受分娩疼痛而选择剖腹产的产妇数量(make fewer mothers turn to C-sections
  to escape unbearable labor pain),从而提高自然分娩率(increase rates of natural
  childbirth)、降低剖腹产率(lower rates of cesarean
  delivery)。去年8月,陕西省榆林市一名26岁的孕妇从产科病房跳楼身亡(jump to her death in a maternity
  ward),部分原因是难忍疼痛(be in unbearable pain)。事件发生后,我国无痛自然分娩(pain-free natural
  labor)率低成为人们的关注焦点(come into the spotlight)。
  根据工作计划,2018-2020年,我国将在全国范围内遴选出一定数量的医院试点分娩镇痛服务(pilot labor pain relief
  services),并逐步在全国推广。2020年年底前,试点医院在腰麻、硬膜外麻醉和腰硬联合麻醉辅助下进行的分娩(deliveries completed
  with the help of spinal or epidural anesthesia, or a combination of
  both)占比将达40%以上。受医院麻醉人才短缺(shortage of anesthetists)、一些有关分娩镇痛方法的谣言广泛传播(widespread
  myths surrounding labor pain relief methods)等多种因素的影响,无痛分娩在我国尚未普及(painless
  delivery is yet to become common in China)。
  分娩围观 crowd-birthing
  妊娠纹 stretch mark
  羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism
  产后抑郁症 post-natal depression
  代孕 surrogacy
页: [1]
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