考研网 发表于 2018-11-16 18:08:10


example、for instance、take … as an example、as、such as、like
    ① If that happens, passionate consumers would try to persuade others to
boycott products, putting the reputation of the target company at risk. ② In
such a case, the company's response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful,
and the learning curve has been steep. ③ Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated
some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively
quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included
efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the
social-news site Digg.
    34. Toyota Motor's experience is cited as an example of
    responding effectively to hijacked media.
    persuading customers into boycotting products.
    cooperating with supportive consumers.
    taking advantage of hijacked media.
Firstly、Secondly、Thirdly… Finally; First of all,、Then、In
    The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive
education and influence in England. `Besides the ninety or so learned ministers
who came to Massachusetts church in the decade after 1629,There were political
leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the
Crown before he journeyed to Boston. There men wrote and published extensively,
reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an
atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.
    38. The early ministers and political leaders in Massachusetts
    were famous in the New World for their writings
    gained increasing importance in religious affairs
    abandoned high positions before coming to the New World
    created a new intellectual atmosphere in New England

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