考研族 发表于 2018-9-29 20:52:52


  Think about driving a route that’s very familiar. It could be your commute to work, a trip into town or the way home. Whichever it is, you know every twist and turn like the back of your hand. On these sorts of trips it’s easy to lose concentration on the driving and pay little attention to the passing scenery. The consequence is that you perceive that the trip has taken less time than it actually has.
  This is the well-travelled road effect: people tend to underestimate the time it takes to travel a familiar route.
  The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention. When we travel down a well-known route, because we don’t have to concentrate much, time seems to flow more quickly. And afterwards, when we come to think back on it, we can’t remember the journey well because we didn’t pay much attention to it. So we assume it was shorter.
  know.... like the back of your hand 非常熟悉某事;了如指掌
  twist and turn 迂回曲折;
  lose concentration on=pay little attention to 分散注意力
  the passing scenery 路过的景色
  consequence 表示“重要性;后果;结果”,在本文中处理成“结果”;
  perceive 表示“察觉,感觉;理解;认知”,在本文中=think,直接处理成“认为”;
  tend to do sth 倾向于做某事,有做....的趋势
  ...is caused by the way we allocate our attention 注意被动语态的处理;
  the way we allocate our attention “we allocate our attention”是省略that的定语从句;
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