考研族 发表于 2018-9-29 20:40:59


  private a.私人的,秘密的
  [词组] ~ property私有财产;~ school私立学校;in ~私下地
  ... the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. (2000-Text 5)
  privilege n.特权,优惠 vt.给予特权
  [形近词] underprivileged a.贫困的,社会地位低下的
  On the overturned provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately “occupied the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on the federal’s privileged powers. (2013-Text4)
  procedure n.程序,手续,步骤
  But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they’re there to stay. (2009-Text 1)
  product n.产品
  [词组] home/domestic ~国内产品
  [形近词] productive a.多产的;productivity n.生产力,生产率
  DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8 -- though the firm has compared some of its other products favourably with Google’s on that count before. (2013-Text 2)
  DNT似乎也不是Windows 8的明显巨大卖点——尽管微软在这方面曾将旗下的其他产品与谷歌的进行比较,优势明显。
  profession n.职业   
  [同义词] professed a.公开承认的,声称的
  [形近词] proficiency n.熟练,精通
  As of 2005, there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. (2013-PartB)
  profit n.利润,收益 v.对…有益,获利
  [形近词] profitable a.有利可图的
  Law-school debt means that many cannot afford to go into government or non-profit work, and that they have to work fearsomely hard. (2014-Text 2)
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