考研族 发表于 2018-9-28 20:35:18


1.按揭贷款 mortgage loan
2.按劳分配 distribution according to one's performance
3.搬迁户 relocated families
4.奔小康 strive for a relatively comfortable life
5.国内生产总值 GDP gross domestic produc
6.扩大内需 expand domestic demand
7.长期国债 long-term treasury bonds
8.保理业务 factoring business
9.保持国有股 keep the State-held shares
10.保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
11.保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings
12.市场资本总额 market capitalization
13.法人股 institutional shares
14.改善居民心理预期 inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs
15.鼓励增加即期消费 encourage more immediate consumption
16.支付国债利息 to service treasury bonds
17.财政赤字和债务 deficits and the national debt
18.按原口径计算 calculate on the base line
19.按可比价格计算 calculate at comparable price
20.按不变价格计算 calculate at constant price
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