考研网 发表于 2018-9-1 20:31:02


        ●平均分词:think(是最恶心的词汇)——高分词:assume, argue, emphasize, insist, when it comes
to me, for my part, as for
me, in my point of view, as far
as I am concerned, from my own
        ●平均分词:important——高分词:vital, significant, critical, crucial, play a decisive role, be of utmost importance, indispensable
        ●平均分词:human beings——高分词:mankind, human race, humanity
        ●平均分词:people——高分词:individuals, characters, folks
        ●平均分词:famous people——高分词:celebrity
        ●平均分词:famous——高分词:prestigious, distinguished, enjoy a reputation
        ●平均分词:many——高分词:innumerable, countless, a great/large number
of, an army of, an ocean
of, a sea of, a multitude
of, a host of
        ●平均分词:many kinds of——高分词:various kinds
of, all sorts of, diverse kinds
of, a variety of, a wide range
        ●平均分词:some——高分词:a slice of, quite a few
        ●平均分词:most——高分词:the vast majority of, a large percent of
        ●平均分词:helpful——高分词:beneficial, rewarding
        ●平均分词:problem——高分词:issue, case, trouble, headache(令人头痛的问题), dilemma(两难境地), crisis, disaster
        ●平均分词:cause——高分词:give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger, contribute to
        ●平均分词:want to——高分词:desire to, be willing to, intend
        ●平均分词:pay attention to——高分词:devote much attention
to, attach importance to, put
stress on, give weight to, place
emphasis on,
        ●平均分词:due attention has to be paid to——高分词:importance should be attached to, weight
should be given to, greant attention ought to be devoted
        ●平均分词:influence——高分词:have a far-reaching impact
on, exert an overwhelming(势不可挡的)
influence on
        ●平均分词:to(表目的)——高分词:with a
view to do, with an aim to do, with a goal to do, for the purpose of doing, for the sake of doing
        ●平均分词:show——高分词:describe, depict(描述), indicate, demonstrate, reflect
        ●平均分词:picture——高分词:cartoon, illustration, drawing
        ●平均分词:thing——高分词:affair, business, matter
        ●平均分词:more and more——高分词:increasing(ly), growing
        ●平均分词:about——高分词:regarding, concerning
        ●平均分词:customer——高分词:shopper, client, consumer, purchaser
        ●平均分词:sb. be interested in——高分词:sth. appeals to
sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on
        ●平均分词:dangerous——高分词:perilous, hazardous(注:评价某种社会现象是“不好的,有害的”时可用hazardous)
        ●平均分词:harm——高分词:do harm to(有害于), do more harm than good(弊大于利), damage, destroy, undermine
        ●平均分词:be harmful to——高分词:pose a threat
        ●平均分词:good——高分词:positive, favorable(有利的), rosy(美好的), promising(有希望的), perfect, pleasurable(令人愉快的), excellent, outstanding, superior(优秀的), wholesome(健康的,有益的)
        ●平均分词:bad——高分词:dreadful(糟糕的), unfavorable(不利的), poor, adverse(相反的), ill(有害的), frightful(可怕的), discouraging(令人沮丧的), depressing(注:如果bad作表语,可以用be less
        ●平均分词:poor——高分词:underdeveloped, financially-challenged
        ●平均分词:because of——高分词:owing to, due to, as a result of, on account of, (be) responsible
for, spell(导致,招致)(例(2005英语一Text4):But
the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our
own thing,” has spelt the death of formal
speech, writing, poetry and
        ●平均分词:remember——高分词:bear in mind that, keep in mind
        ●平均分词:obviously——高分词:evidently, apparently, undoubtedly
        ●平均分词:measure——高分词:action, step, counter-measure, program
        ●平均分词:way(方法)——高分词:approach, method
        ●平均分词:only in this way——高分词:only by doing
so, only by this means, It is in
this way that...
        ●平均分词:only——高分词:unique(独特的), distinctive(与众不同的), merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely
        ●平均分词:I believe——高分词:I insist, I maintain, I am convinced
        ●平均分词:get——高分词:obtain, acquire
        ●平均分词:solve——高分词:settle, tackle, overcome, conquer

kyfive 发表于 2018-9-1 21:33:02

        ●平均分词:difficult——高分词:tough, hard, complicated, confusing, arduous(费力的), formidable(艰难的)
        ●平均分词:a little——高分词:a
        ●平均分词:enough——高分词:abundant, adequate, sufficient
        ●平均分词:now——高分词:currently, nowadays
        ●平均分词:be different from——高分词:be distinct
        ●平均分词:as a result——高分词:as a
        ●平均分词:huge——高分词:enormous(庞大的——数量), massive(大量的——物体形状), vast(广阔的——空间)
        ●平均分词:too much——高分词:excessive(过量大), rampant(泛滥的), immoderate(moderate适度的)
        ●平均分词:very——高分词:overwhelmingly, exceedingly, extremely, intensely
        ●平均分词:always——高分词:invariably, frequently, consistently, more often than not
        ●平均分词:try to do——高分词:attempt to
        ●平均分词:try hard to do(努力去做)——高分词:make a pains-taking efforts to do
        ●平均分词:do one's best to do(尽最大努力去做)——高分词:commit oneself to doing, strive to do, do one's utmost to
do, spare no effort to do(不遗余力地去做)
        ●平均分词:mainly——高分词:primarily, pincipally, chiefly
        ●平均分词:can——高分词:have the ability
        ●平均分词:improve——高分词:boost(促进), enhance(加强)
        ●平均分词:happy——高分词:happily, happiness, make sb. happy——此处是变换词性
        ●平均分词:law——高分词:regulation, legislation(立法,法律)
        ●平均分词:get rid of——高分词:eliminate(消除), remove, abolish(废除)
        ●平均分词:prepare for——高分词:pave the way
for, lay the groundwork(根基)
for, lay a solid foundation
        ●平均分词:possible——高分词:be likely
        ●平均分词:impossible——高分词:be unlikely
        ●平均分词:precious——高分词:worthwhile, priceless
        ●平均分词:ignore——高分词:turn a blind eye to, lose sight of, overlook, neglect
        ●平均分词:be related to——高分词:be connected
with, be associated with, be
linked with
        ●平均分词:purpose——高分词:aim, goal, intention, object
        ●平均分词:it is high time(该是做...的时候了)——高分词:it is imperative(紧急的) for us to do, it is about time that we
        ●平均分词:bright——高分词:brilliant(光辉的,明亮的), splendid(灿烂的), promising
        ●平均分词:like(喜欢)——高分词:enjoy, prefer, love, be fascinated with
        ●平均分词:decide——高分词:be determine to(下定决心), make up one's
        ●平均分词:build——高分词:erect, establish
        ●平均分词:cold——高分词:chilly, icy
        ●平均分词:and——高分词:plus, as
well as, along with, in
addition, bonus, with...

kysix 发表于 2018-9-1 22:14:25

        ●平均分词:actually——高分词:as a matter of
fact, indeed, in point of
fact, in reality, in
truth, literally,truly
        ●平均分词:firstly——高分词:previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to
start with, first of all, at the
        ●平均分词:then——高分词:subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding, secondarily, what is more, furthermore
        ●平均分词:lastly——高分词:ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but not least, finally
        ●平均分词:good ——高分词:positive, favorable, rosy ( 美好的) , promising ( 有希望的) ,perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior
        ●平均分词:bad如果bad 做表语,可以有be
less impressive 替换——高分词:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)
        eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing
games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their
dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a
result, they find their academic records are less
        ●平均分词:many——高分词:an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a
multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most
        注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有词。
        Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea
that….同理用most, if not all ,替换most.
        ●平均分词:some ——高分词:a slice of, quiet a few , several
        ●平均分词:think (因为是书面语,所以要加that)——高分词:harbor the idea that, take the attitude
that, hold the view that, it is
widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged
        ●平均分词:thing ——高分词:affair ,business ,matter
        ●平均分词: common——高分词:shared
        ●平均分词:get many benefits——高分词:reap huge
        ●平均分词:in my opinion ——高分词:for my part ,from my own perspective
        ●平均分词: more and more——高分词:Increasing(ly),growing
        ●平均分词:hardly——高分词:little if anything, 或little or nothing
        ●平均分词: helpful——高分词:beneficial, rewarding
        ●平均分词:very——高分词:exceedingly,extremely, intensely
        ●平均分词:unnecessary, avoidable——高分词:hardly necessary, hardly inevitable
        ●平均分词: sb take interest in / sb. be interested in——高分词:sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous
fascination on sb
        ●平均分词: attract one's attention——高分词:capture one's
        ●平均分词: aspect——高分词:facet,demension,sphere
        ●平均分词:indicate, suggest ,fear ——高分词:be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful
        ●平均分词:cause——高分词:give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger
        ●平均分词:reasons for sth——高分词:There are several
reasons behind sth
        ●平均分词:want ——高分词:desire
        ●平均分词:pay attention to——高分词:pour attention
        ●平均分词:remember——高分词:bear in mind
        ●平均分词:have(注意process 是过程的意思)? ——高分词:enjoy, possess
        ●平均分词:be against , disagree with
sth——高分词:frown on sth
        ●平均分词:for example, for instance ——高分词:to name only a few, as an
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