考研网 发表于 2018-8-18 14:25:40


          The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued China's first
electronic social security card on Sunday to a woman surnamed Liu from Qingdao,
          这是人社部签发的第一张全国统一的电子社保卡(electronic social security card),意味着社保卡线上线下功能(online
and offline functions)全面打通。据介绍,电子社保卡作为社保卡线上应用的有效电子凭证,与实体社保卡一一对应(correspond with
an actual social security card)。与实体社保卡一样,电子社保卡全国统一、全国通用(can be used across the
whole country),具有身份凭证、信息记录(information record)、信息查询(information
queries)、医保结算、缴费(medical insurance settlements and payments)及待遇领取、金融支付等功能。
          社保卡持有者(social security card holders)随时随地都可通过授权应用获取电子社保卡(receive an
electronic social security card at any time from authorized
apps),这项服务将在青岛和福州试点(be piloted in Qingdao and Fuzhou)。截至今年第一季度,我国社保卡持卡人数为 11.2
亿人(China has 1.12 billion social security card holders),普及率达
services),对其的应用还将扩至提供居民卫生服务、发放经济补贴等其他公共服务领域(be expanded to other public service
fields such as providing residential health services and issuing financial
          社会保障体系 social security system
          社会福利 social welfare
          基本保障 basic guarantee
          民生 people's livelihood
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查看完整版本: 2019考研英语:翻译训练之电子社保卡