考研网 发表于 2018-8-18 14:25:38


          follow-up inoculation plan
          A follow-up inoculation plan has been issued by the National Health
Commission and the State Drug Administration for people who have received rabies
vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co.
          方案指出,接种过长春长生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整个接种程序者(those who have received the vaccines from
Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire
inoculation procedure),接种单位免费续种其他公司合格疫苗。已完成接种程序者(those who have completed the
procedure),如受种者有补种意愿(still want
reinoculation),接种单位在告知防控知识、疫苗的保护作用、接种后注意事项等内容后(being informed by vaccination
institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and
post-inoculation tips),可免费补种(get vaccines for free)。
          方案指出,根据世界卫生组织2018年4月的有关报告,狂犬病潜伏期(the incubation period of
rabies)通常为1-3个月,罕有超过1年。为保障受种者健康,对接种时间不满1年的受种者,接种单位提供跟踪观察和咨询服务(provide tracking,
observation and advisory
          方案明确,接种单位设置醒目标识,安排有经验的医务人员提供服务,向社会公开联系方式(make contact information
public)。县级以上地方卫生健康部门要各确定1家医疗机构,作为辖区内进一步临床观察的定点医疗机构(designated medical
institution)。国家级、省级和地市级组建专家组(expert panel),包括临床研究(clinical
studies)、疾病预防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理领域等专家,指导做好相关服务。
          静脉注射 intravenous injection
          皮下注射 hypodermic injection
          疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection
          注射死刑 execution by lethal injection
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查看完整版本: 2019考研英语:翻译训练之疫苗续种补种方案