考研网 发表于 2018-8-14 22:36:36


          birth defect
          New research involving half a million pregnant women across China is
expected to greatly improve control and prevention of risks related to birth
defects, which are likely to increase with the adoption of the universal
second-child policy.
          随着全面二孩放开(adoption of the universal second-child policy),高龄、高危孕产妇(older and
high-risk pregnant women)数量不断增加,如何实现优生优育(bear and rear better
children)成为更加重要的社会议题,然而,出生缺陷(birth defect)仍是不少家庭的噩梦。
of birth defect risks),提出适合中国人群孕早期致畸风险监控方案。
          这次研究将分析重大出生缺陷发生的危险因素(analyze risk factors for major birth
defects),应用大数据挖掘筛选致畸因子(use big data technology to single out factors that may
cause birth defects),比如环境、遗传、慢性病等(such as environment, heritage and chronic
diseases),并建立风险等级评估系统(establish a risk evaluation system)。
          目前预计,标本库中将存入的标本至少会超过100万,数量庞大,未来,这个标本库将会是国际合作、开放共享的(all the samples will be
open for sharing with international communities for cooperation)。
          孕晚期 later stages of pregnancy
          低生育率 low birth rate
          线粒体疾病 mitochondrial diseases
          产前基因操控 pre-birth gene manipulation
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查看完整版本: 2019考研英语:翻译训练之出生缺陷