考研网 发表于 2018-8-14 22:36:30


          Western Development is an important policy of China aiming at promoting
economic development. Since China adopted the reform and opening-up policy, and
especially since the special economic zones were set up in the coastal cities in
southeast China, the Chinese economy has grown rapidly. However, owing to its
remote location, backward transportation, and insufficient exchange with other
regions, western China is less developed in its economy, culture and people's
living standard. In order to tackle the imbalanced development among regions,
China has launched the campaign of Western Development, offering preferential
policies to the west in many aspects such as introduction of talents and
investment. Now the campaign of Western Development has made remarkable
achievements, gradually narrowing the gap between the east and the west.
Development)是中国促进经济发展的一项重要政策。自从实行改革开放的政策以来,尤其是中国东南沿海城市的经济特区(special economic
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