考研族 发表于 2018-6-25 21:43:01


Since his election last May, French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to, and maybe believed he could, bend Donald Trump’s convictions. Macron sought to turn the U.S. president away from nationalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism and toward his own vision of a world in which strong, sovereign nations collaborate to find multilateral solutions to transnational problems.
The Trump is for the idea of multilateralism.
1.bend one’s convictions: 改变某人的想法
2. nationalism:民族主义
4.climate-change skepticism:气候变化的怀疑主义
5. sovereign nations 主权国家
6. collaborate 协作
7. transnational problems 跨国问题
8. multilateral solutions 多边手段
9. turn A from B toward C 使A从B转向C
10. multilateralism 多边主义(多边主义是指世界各国在国际事务应相互尊重、平等协商、加强合作、反对一国一意孤行,无礼对待别国。)
11.unilateralism 单边主义(所谓单边主义是指举足轻重的特定大国,不考虑大多数国家和民众的愿望,单独或带头退出或挑战已制订或商议好了的维护国际性、地区性、集体性和平、发展、进步的规则和制度。)
12. A is for the idea of B = A is of the idea of B ( A认同/支持B这个观点)
Since his election last May, French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to, and maybe believed he could, bend Donald Trump’s convictions.
1. Since his election last May,
2. French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to bend Donald Trump’s convictions
3. French President Emmanuel Macron has maybe believed he could bend Donald Trump’s convictions (遇到并列一定要补全!)
参考译文:自去年5月当选总统以来,法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)一直在努力改变唐纳德·特朗普的信念,他或许一直相信他能做到。
Macron sought to turn the U.S. president away from nationalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism and toward his own vision of a world in which strong, sovereign nations collaborate to find multilateral solutions to transnational problems.
1.Macron sought to turn the U.S. president away from nationalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism and toward his own vision of a world
2. in which strong, sovereign nations collaborate to find multilateral solutions to transnational problems.
(Which= vision,或者world,这里没有区别)
The Trump is for the idea of multilateralism.
Right now, fully autonomous cars are rolling around Pittsburgh, the San Francisco Bay area, and parts of Michigan, shuttling people from here to there with minimal manual intervention. Instead of fixing the old subway trains, let’s rip out the tracks and fill the tunnels with fleets of autonomous vehicles running on pavement. The result would be radical improvements in throughput while saving money and increasing the ability of the system to survive a fire, flood, or terrorist attack.
Autonomous cars are widely used in many American cities to replace the old trains.
The system of subway is vulnerable to fire and flood constrat to the autonomous vehicles.
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