考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 22:00:10


Such stereotypes about spoiled, lonely and peculiar only children have endured for more than a century, despite a wealth of research showing lone children are usually none of those things and often do better in many areas than children with siblings. But despite one-child families becoming far more common, our fascination with their implied unusualness endures.
The discrimination against the only children still persists nowadays.
1.stereotypes 刻板印象;模式化观念(或形象);老一套;(我们对A有stereotypes就等于说我们对A有discrimination,这是构成同意替换的。)
2.spoiled 被宠坏的
3.peculiar 古怪的
4.lone 独身,独自
5.sibling 兄弟姐妹
6.far more common 更加普遍
7.fascination 着迷,执着的想法
8.unusualness 不同之处
9.endure 存在= persist
10. a wealth of research 大量研究
Such stereotypes about spoiled, lonely and peculiar only children have endured for more than a century, despite a wealth of research showing lone children are usually none of those things and often do better in many areas than children with siblings.
1.Such stereotypes about spoiled, lonely and peculiar only children have endured for more than a century,
2.despite a wealth of research showing
3.lone children are usually none of those things
4.and( lone children) often do better in many areas than children with siblings.
But despite one-child families becoming far more common, our fascination with their implied unusualness endures.
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