考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:53


  Also, some research suggests that the ___8___ for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting ___9___ poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many ___10___ the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.
  8. explanation requirement compensation substitute
  9. under beyond alongside among
  10. leave behind make up worry about set aside
  【词汇】suggest“表明”;rising rates of mortality“上升的死亡率”;mental-health problems“心理健康问题”;addict“吸毒上瘾”;poorly-educated middle-aged people“教育水平低下的中年人”;be shortage of“缺乏”;well-paid“待遇优厚的”;agonizing“痛苦难忍的”;dullness“枯燥”。
  【解析】explanation“解释”,选A。requirement“需求”;compensation“赔偿”;substitute“替代品”。among“在...当中”,选D。alongside“在...旁边”,alongside with“和...一起”。worry about“担忧”,选C。leave behind“遗留”;make up“组成,化妆,编造”;set aside“抽出(时间),把...搁置一旁”。
  But it doesn’t ___11___ follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the ___12___ of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the ___13___ of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could ___14___ strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.
  11. statistically occasionally necessarily economically
  12. chances       downsides benefits principles
  13. absence height face course
  14. disturb restore exclude yield
  【词汇】finding“发现,调查结果”;be filled with“充满”;unease“不安”;vision“洞察力”;be based on“以...为基础”;be built on the concept of“建立在...概念之上”;end“目标”;circumstance“环境,条件”;leisure“休闲”。
  【解析】not necessarily“未必,不一定”,选C。statistically“统计地”;occasionally“偶尔”;economically“经济地,节约地”。downside“缺点”,选B。chance“机会”;benefit“好处,救济金”;principle“原则”。in the absence of“缺乏”,选A。in the height of“在...的顶峰”;in the face of“面对”;in the course of“在...过程中”。yield“产生”,选D。disturb“打扰,妨碍”;restrore“恢复”;exclude“排斥”。
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