考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:45


  His name is not much. G. I. Joe is just a military abbreviation ___7___ Government Issue, and it was on all of the article ___8___ to soldiers. And Joe? A common name for a guy who never ___9___ it to the top. Joe Blow, Joe Palooka, Joe Magrac… a working class name. The United States has ___10___ had a president or vice-president or secretary of state Joe.
  7. meaning implying symbolizing claiming
  8. handed out turned over brought back passed down
  9. pushed got made managed
  10. ever never either neither
  【词汇】abbreviation“缩写”;working class“工人阶级,劳动阶级”;secretary of state“(美)国务卿,(英)国务大臣”。
  【解析】mean“意味着,表示”,选A。imply“暗示”,名词形式implication;symbolize“象征”;claim“声称”。hand out“分发”,选A。turn over“移交”;pass down to“传递给...”。make it“成功,达到预定目标”,选C。never“从未”,选B。
  G. I. Joe had a ___11___ career fighting German, Japanese, and Korean troops. He appears as a character, or a ___12___ of American personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of G. I. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle ___13___ portrayed themselves in the film.
  11. disguised disturbed disputed distinguished
  12. company collection community colony
  13. employed appointed interviewed questioned
  【词汇】career“职业,事业”;fight“与...作战”;troop“军队”;character“人物”,characteristic“特征,特色”;personality“个性,品格”;be based on“以...为基础”;war correspondent“战地通讯记者”;portray“描述,扮演”,portray oneself“扮演自己,本色出演”。
  【解析】distinguished“知名的,卓著的”,选D。disguised“伪装的”;disturbed“扰乱的,受到干扰的”;disputed“有争议的”。a collection of“集...为一体”,选B。company“公司,陪伴,连队”;community“社区,群落”;colony“种族”。interview“采访”,选C。employ“雇佣,使用”,也可以表示“使忙于”,常见搭配be employed in doing;appoint“任命,委派”;question“怀疑,审问”。
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