考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:44


  Pyle was famous for covering the ___14___ side of the war, writing about the dirt-snow-and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were ___15___ or what towns were captured or liberated. His reports ___16___ the “Willie” cartoons of famed Stars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men ___17___ the dirt and exhaustion of war, the ___18___ of civilization that the soldiers shared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. ___19___ Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G. I. Joe was any American soldier, ___20___ the most important person in their lives.
  14. ethical military political human
  15. ruined commuted patrolled gained
  16. paralleled counteracted duplicated contradicted
  17. neglected avoided emphasized admired
  18. stages illusions fragments advances
  19. With To Among Beyond
  20. on the contrary by this means from the outset at that point
  【词汇】be famous for“因为...而出名”;cover“采访,报导”;dirt-snow-and-mud“雪水和泥土混合而成的”;capture“占领”,也可以表示“捕捉,拍摄”;liberate“解放”;cartoon“漫画”;famed“知名的”;Stars and Stripes“星条旗”;dirt“肮脏”,形容词形式dirty“肮脏的,恶劣的”;exhaustion“精疲力竭”,形容词形式exhausted“精疲力竭的”,exhausting“令人精疲力竭的”;civilization“文明”,形容词形式civilized“文明的,有礼貌的”;share with“与...分享”;civilian“平民,百姓”。
  【解析】human“人性的”,选D。ethical“伦理的,道德的”;military“军事的”;political“政治的”。ruin“毁掉”,选A。commute“通勤,来回往返于”;patrol“巡逻”,gain“获得”。duplicate“复制”,选C。parallel“与...平行”,unparalleled“空前的,无与伦比的”;counteract“抵消,中和”;contradict“与...相矛盾”。emphasize“强调”,选C。neglect“忽视,疏忽”,avoid“避免”;admire“钦佩,称赞”。to“对...来说”,选B。at that point“在那段时期”,选D。on the contrary“相反”;by this means“以这种方式”;from the outset“从一开始”。
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