考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:43


  下面的句子选自考研英语阅读真题2007年的第一篇,选自 Scientific American ,原文题目为Intelligence Considered《智商的思考》,这是一篇很有意思的文章,主要围绕作者对智商测试的看法展开,以“天才少年”萨文特的例子来引导读者对智商测试的准确性提出质疑。
  (1) For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper invited people to query XX , who at age   had             ; that gave her                  .
  (2)   ask you to complete      , to   after it has been   , and to   , among other similar   . So it is a bit confusing when               ?
  (3)It's not obvious how the capacity to    and to      suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best            .
  (4)Clearly,    encompasses more than   . Just what does it mean to be    ?
  (5)The defining term of   in different communities still seems to be   , even though       are not made as often as it used to be. The   comes primarily in two forms:   and   .
  (6)Superhigh      1ike   's are no longer possible, because   is now based on a among age peers, rather than simply                . Other standardized       , such as the    and      , capture the main aspects of      .
  (7)Such       may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in   , argues       . In his investigation "      ?", XX notes that         , components also critical to problem solving and life success.
  (8)Research has found that         when the investigation was given under low stress conditions, but under high stress conditions,   was negatively correlated with   -that is, it predicted the opposite.
  (9)Anyone who has toiled through   will testify that         also matters.
  (10)Anyone who has toiled through   will testify that         also matters.
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查看完整版本: 2019考研英语阅读词句《智商的思考》(十)