考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:42


  Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social   ___15___ like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it___16___ is inescapably political -- which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily ___17___ as unjust.
  15. concepts theories divisions conceptions
  16. excludes questions shapes controls
  17. dismissed released ranked distorted
  【词汇】constitutional law“宪法”;result from“起因于,由...造成”;be rooted in“根植于”;fundamental“基本的”;liberty“自由”;property“财产”;deal with“处理”;social policy“社会政策”;decision“决议”;inescapably“无法逃避地,不可避免地”;split along“在...中存在分歧”;ideological line“思想路线”;unjust“不公平的”。
  【解析】concept“概念”,选A。theory“理论”;division“分歧”;conception“(对某事物)的概念”。shape“塑造”,选C。exclude“排除”,名词形式exclusion,形容词形式exclusive,常见搭配be exclusive of“除...以外”;question“质疑”,in question“讨论中的,有疑问的”,out of question“毫无疑问”;control“控制”,under control“处于控制之下”,out of control“失去控制”。dismiss as“认为...而不予考虑”,选A。release“发布”;be ranked as“被列为”;distort“扭曲”。
  The justices must ___18___ doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves ___19___ to the code of conduct. That would make rulings more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, ___20___, convincing as law.
  18. suppress exploit address ignore
  19. accessible amiable agreeable accountable
  20. by all means at all costs in a word as a result
  【词汇】doubt“怀疑,疑惑”;legitimacy“合法性”;ruling“裁决”;be separate from“与...分离”;convincing“令人信服的”。
  【解析】address“处理”,选C。suppress“镇压,抑制”;exploit“开发,剥削”;ignore“忽视”。be accountable to“对...负责”,选D。be accessible to“容易接近的”;be amiable to“对...和蔼可亲”;be agreeable to“同意”。as a result“因此”,选D。
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