考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:24


  Who would have thought that, globally, the IT industry produces about the same volume of greenhouse gases as the world’s airlines do -- roughly 2 percent of all CO2 emission?
  【解析】IT即information technology“信息技术”;the same... as...“与...相同”;emission“排放”,动词形式emit。
  Many everyday tasks take a surprising toll on the environment. A Google search can leak between 0.2 and 7.0 grams of CO2, depending on how many attempts are needed to get the “right” answer. To deliver results to its users quickly, then, Google has to maintain vast data centers around the world, packed with powerful computers. While producing large quantities of CO2, these computers emit a great deal of heat, so the centers need to be well air-conditioned, which uses even more energy.
  【解析】everyday task“日常工作”;take a toll on“对...造成重大损害”;leak“泄漏”;depend on“取决于”;attempt“尝试”;deliver“投递,传送”;vast data center“大规模的数据中心”;be packed with“塞满”;quantity“数量”;a great deal of“大量”;air-conditioned“备有空调装置的”。
  However, Google and other big tech providers monitor their efficiency closely and make improvements. Monitoring is the first step on the road to reduction, but there is much to be done, and not just by big companies.
  【解析】tech provider“技术供应商”;monitor“监控”;efficiency“效率”,形容词形式efficient“高效的”;make improvements“作出改进”;reduction“减少”,在此即为“减排”。
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查看完整版本: 2011考研英语二翻译试题分析