考研族 发表于 2018-6-8 21:58:19


  “Cosmetic Acupuncture” Has Swept Japan
  Forget cosmetic surgery. The ancient treatment ofacupuncture is gaining new popularity as a beautysecret in Japan about 1,500 years after it first camethere from China.
  别再想着整容了!“针灸疗法”1500 年前由中国传入日本,现在这一古老的疗法作为一种美容秘诀开始在日本风靡了。
  As aesthetic sessions increasingly go organic oremploy traditional remedies, women at the “ Beauty World Japan ” exhibition this week lined upto try acupuncture, long known for its health advantages.
  Inserting tiny needles into faces boosts natural facial healing powers, says therapist TakeshiKitagawa.
  “This is not a medical or surgical procedure,” said Kitagawa, acupuncture therapist and ownerof Yojo spa.“ We use the healing powers that a person’s body naturally possesses, and withinthe general trend toward a more‘natural beauty’our acupuncture is very well accepted.”
  Japan is the world’s second largest market for beauty products and services, with salesestimated at over $15 billion last year alone.
  日本是全球第二大美容产品与服务消费市场。据估计,去年一年美容行业的销售总额超过了150 亿美元。
  Acupuncturist licensing began during Japan’s Meiji Era, about 130 years ago, and Kitagawa sayshis clients, mainly in their 30s, are increasingly pinning their hopes on the treatment, seeingcosmetics or facelifts as pricey and not as healthy.
  大约130 年前,在明治天皇时期,日本就出现了针灸师行业。据北川介绍,他的顾客年龄大都在30 岁上下。因为化妆品和整容手术价格昂贵且不健康,所以她们现在都寄希望于针灸美容。
  “It’s different from plastic surgery; it doesn’t have the risk of failure. Besides, it uses theinnate power of human body to create beauty, and that’s the reason I like it,” said RieHayashida.
  Japan has an estimated 40,000 registered acupuncturists and over 150 schools, mainly focusedon traditional uses.
  据估计,日本目前有4 万名注册针灸师,以及150 多所关注针灸传统治疗的针灸学校。
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