考研网 发表于 2018-6-8 21:42:15


  You will make it if you try (to). 如果你努力,你会成功的。
  George says he is going to leave Shanghai, but I don’t think he really wants to. George 说要离开上海,但是我不认为他真的愿意走。
  Some of them retired, and others were ready to. 一些人退休了,还有的准备退。
  He always speaks faster than he needs to. 他说话总是没必要的快。
  I’d like to do it now, but I haven’t got the time (to).  我倒是想现在干,但没时间。
  “Would you go there with me?” “I’m glad to.” “你愿意和我一起去吗?”“愿意。”
  “Did you pass the exam?” “No, I tried (to), but I failed.” “你考试及格了吗?”“没有,我努力了,但没成功。
  “Do you want to sing them an English song?” “I prefer not to.” “你愿意为他们唱首英文歌吗?”“我不想唱。”
  You’d better sing an English song if they ask you (to) again.如果他们再要求你,你最后唱一首英文歌。
  used to   常常 be going to 打算
  mean to  打算 ought to   应该
  plan to 计划 want to     要想
  两个不定式由and, or, except, but, than 连接时
  I intend to call on him and discuss this question again. 我打算去拜访他并和他谈谈这个问题。
  I’d like to lie down and go to sleep. 我想躺下睡觉。
  You’re free to talk or laugh here. 在这里你可以随便说笑。
  I’m anxious to go and ask him about it. 我急于去问问他这个事。
  Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later?   你想现在吃午饭还是再等会儿?
  We had nothing to do except (to) look at the posters outside the cinema. 我们无事可做,只有看看电影院外面的招贴。
  He had nothing to do except talk nonsense.   除了胡说八道,他没别的事干。
  I would rather die than be insulted. 我宁死也不受侮辱。
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