考研网 发表于 2017-12-7 19:11:27


    City tops the mainland in IELTS test of English
    Shanghai leads the mainland in an international standardized test of
English language proficiency, according to the British Council’s inaugural white
paper on mainland test takers’ IELTS performance.
    The white paper, released last week, shows people on Chinese mainland have
been making progress in their ability to listen, read, write and speak English
in the past five years.
    People who took the IELTS Academic test showed the least progress in
speaking English. The test takers’ total score from the four-part test are below
the world average, with the largest gap in the speaking category. The white
paper also showed mixed development of English skills in various areas on the
    Shanghai, which achieved respective total scores of 5.87 points and 5.95
points in the academic and training categories, led the mainland in the
listening, speaking, reading and writing tests. Its universities and high
schools also had the best results.
    Barry O’Sullivan, head of assessment research and development at the
British Council, said Shanghai stood out against the other provinces and cities
because it is an international city, where students have a better environment
and stronger motivation to learn and use English.
    The average score of Shanghai test takers in reading is higher than the
world average, and their listening and writing scores are on par with the world
average. Shanghai’s speaking score is, however, below the world average.
    The city’s Fudan University topped other universities on the mainland with
the highest average IELTS scores. Fudan students’ reading, listening and writing
scores exceeded the world average but their speaking scores were below it.
    According to the white paper, all the test takers said self-motivation was
the most important factor for them, while those with IELTS scores higher than 7
points credited their high school teachers for playing an important role.
    The white paper also found that the English teachers on the mainland had
mixed capabilities in reading, writing, listening and speaking. They were
weakest at speaking English.
    Chinese authorities are working to address these issues. For example, they
will release the Chinese Standards of English by the end of the year. It will
outline English students’ proficiency at nine levels.
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