考研网 发表于 2017-12-6 20:09:42


        When politics is like pro-wrestling, society pays the cost. Mr Trump's insistence that Mr Obama founded IS precludes a serious debate over how to deal with violent extremists. Policy is complicated, yet post-truth politics damns complexity as the sleight of hand/ experts use to bamboozle everyone else. Hence Hillary Clinton's proposals on paid parental leave go unexamined and the case for trade liberalisation is drowned out by “common sense” demands for protection.
        Preclude v. 阻止
        Include v.
        prelude n 前奏
        Sleight of hand n. 骗人的手段
        Investigative journalists exposed the company's financial sleight of hand.
        bamboozle 欺骗
        It is tempting to think that, when policies that are sold on dodgy prospectuses start to fail, lied-to supporters might see the error of their ways. The worst part of post-truth politics, though, is that this self-correction cannot be relied on. When lies make the political system dysfunctional, its poor results can feed the alienation and lack of trust in institutions that make the post-truth play possible in the first place.
        dodgy 劣质的
        Sell sb on sth 向...兜售
        He tried to sell them on the value of the project he was proposing.
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