考研族 发表于 2017-12-5 20:00:03

考研英语(二)历年真题阅读要点之2016-Text 4(一)

  为了提升阅读能力,各位同学不仅要掌握基本的方法,而且要注重实践。历年真题是最宝贵的复习资料。为了帮助大家更好地复习,文都教育考研英语老师为各位同学梳理一下历年真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下2016年Text 4,这篇文章主要探讨了如今美国的年轻人对成功的观点。
  Against a backdrop of drastic changes in economy and population structure, younger Americans are drawing a new 21st-century road map to success, a latest poll has found.
  against a backdrop“在...背景下”;drastic change“重大变化”;population structure“人口结构”;younger Americans are drawing a new 21st-century road map to success“美国的年轻人正在绘制一幅新型的21世纪成功路线图”;latest“最近的”;poll“民意调查”。
  Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their sixties. But while young and old mostly agree on what constitutes the finish line of a fulfilling life, they offer strikingly different paths for reaching it.
  generational line可以指“年龄层”;continue to do“继续做某事”;prize“珍视,奖赏”;traditional“传统的”;milestone“里程碑”;successful“成功的”;including“包括”;get married“结婚”;own“拥有”;retire“退休”;in one’s sixties“在某人60几岁”;agree on“赞同”;constitute“组成”;finish line“终点线”;fulfilling“令人满意的,有意义的”;strikingly“显著地,引人注目地”;path“路线”;reach“到达”。
  Young people who are still getting started in life were more likely than older adults to prioritize personal fulfillment in their work, to believe they will advance their careers most by regularly changing jobs, to favor communities with more public services and a faster pace of life, to agree that couples should be financially secure before getting married or having children, and to maintain that children are best served by two parents working outside the home, the survey found.
  get started“开始”;prioritize“区分优先次序”,名词形式priority“优先,优先权”;fulfillment“成就”;regularly“定期地,有规律地”;favor“喜欢”;community“社区”;public services“公共服务”;a faster pace of life“更快的生活节奏”;couple“夫妇”;financially“财政上地”,financial crisis“财政危机”;secure“有保障的”;maintain“坚持认为”;survey“调查”。
  以上就是文都教育考研英语老师为大家梳理的2016年Text 4的要点。考研迫在眉睫。“明日复明日,明日何其多? 我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。”把握今天,胜过两个明天。各位同学,马上行动起来,用努力和方法提升自己,实现目标吧!
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