考研网 发表于 2017-12-5 17:45:26


    A nutritionist reveals 3 foods that boost your energy levels
    Andy Bellatti is a nutritionist in Las Vegas. He reveals three foods that
give you a boost of energy. Following is a transcript of the video.
    Andy Bellati: Three foods that can boost your energy levels are black
beans, oatmeal, and walnuts. Oatmeal is one of the foods with the highest amount
of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber stays in your stomach for hours, which also
means that you have sustained energy for long periods of time. One of the best
things that you can eat about an hour or hour and a half before going to the gym
is actually about a half cup or a cup of oatmeal.
    Black beans are great for energy because they have two nutrients that are
key — protein and fiber. Protein and fiber help you to feel full for longer, and
also when you have a food that has both of those nutrients your blood sugar
stays pretty steady, so you don’t have these energy levels that are going up and
then suddenly crashing.
    Walnuts provide healthy fats, fiber, and protein, and that trifecta really
gets you nourished and sustained for hours and prevents energy crashes.
    These foods are all very similar when it comes to helping with energy
levels because what they ultimately do is that they help keep your blood sugar
levels pretty steady. So you’re not getting the peaks and valleys that come
with, for example, if you eat candy or if you eat a bunch of white rice what
will happen is that you will get a surge of energy, but then soon thereafter you
will crash and then you will feel sluggish, and then you will want to eat again,
but with the foods that I talked about, the protein and fiber especially, help
to prevent those spikes.
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语阅读:想要精力充沛?考虑这三种食物!