考研网 发表于 2017-12-1 18:55:35


      Customers might have to pay tax on goods and services bought online
    Goods and services tax (GST) could soon be levied on e-commerce purchases
as the Government looks to diversify its tax base and capture value from this
fast-growing sector, experts said.
    This could mean getting big e-commerce players to register for GST here if
they sell to Singapore consumers, or getting the customers themselves to pay tax
on the goods and services they buy online.
    Their comments come after Senior Minister of State for Law and Finance
Indranee Rajah said in an interview with Bloomberg on Tuesday (Nov 21) that
e-commerce will likely come under the local tax regime soon.
    "You can imagine, 20 years from now, the way people purchase is very
different and by that time online platforms will be mainstays, so if that’s not
part of the tax regime, there’s going to be a lot of holes there," she said.
    Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat said in the Budget earlier this year too
that the Government was studying ways to tax e-commerce.
    财政部长王瑞杰(Heng Swee Keat)在今年初的财政预算案中也提到,政府正在研究电子商务征税制度。
    Currently, online purchases of goods and services under $400 are not taxed
in Singapore. "The $400 GST exemption threshold could be reviewed for the
purposes of capturing online shopping transactions," said KPMG Singapore’s head
of tax, Mr Chiu Wu Hong.
    目前在新加坡,400美元以下的在线商品和服务交易不征税。新加坡毕马威税务主管Mr Chiu Wu
    "Digital services (eg music downloads, e-books) rendered by foreign
companies could be brought into the GST net by using a ’reverse charge’
mechanism, or by way of requiring them to register for GST if they were to
provide to end consumers in Singapore."
    A reverse charge mechanism requires the customer to account for the tax on
supplies received from foreign suppliers.
    PwC Singapore’s Asia Pacific indirect tax leader Koh Soo How noted too that
the Government has said that the main intention of bringing online shopping
within the tax regime is to make it a level playing field between local
GST-registered retailers and overseas sellers.
    普华永道(PwC)新加坡亚太地区的间接税负责人Koh Soo
    "There are different collection models for imposing the GST on cross-border
transactions. However, what most countries have settled on when taxing the
digital economy is the vendor collection model which is seen to be most feasible
in terms of practicality and costs," he said.
    Under such a model, the overseas vendor is required to register for GST to
collect and account for GST on sales to consumers in the local country.
    Mr Yeo Kai Eng, a GST services partner at Ernst & Young Solutions,
noted that this has been a common approach in several countries, which have also
introduced simplified GST registration for overseas suppliers of digital
services and low-value goods to make it less onerous on the e-commerce
    安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young Solutions)的消费税服务合伙人Yeo Kai
    "The key for Singapore is not to rush into it," he said. "Consultation with
key stakeholders should be made to study the impact and effectiveness of any new
measures to impose GST on overseas suppliers of digital services and low-value
goods before they are introduced."
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语双语阅读:网上购物将要纳税?