考研网 发表于 2017-11-30 16:49:48


      Even Without Hands Honeybees Show Handedness
    Honeybees. They have a difficult task. First, they have to find food. Then
they have to return to the hive to tell their compatriots where to find it. The
bees have to fly back and forth between the hive and their food, over and over
again. And they need to deal with whatever obstacles lie along their flight
    "Honeybees face a lot of challenge in choosing efficient foraging routes
through dense environments. And we basically want to study how they choose
effective routes…the safest and least energy-expending routes."
    Marielle Ong, a researcher at the University of Queensland in Australia. To
track the insects’ navigation, she and her team set up tiny obstacle courses for
more than a hundred honeybees.
    Along the way, the bees were forced to fly through one or the other of two
openings of different sizes. And as a group, the bees usually flew through the
wider opening, which makes sense. Less chances of slamming their tiny bee bodies
into a wall.
    But things got more interesting when Ong looked at the decisions made by
individual bees, one by one.
    “We found that 55 percent had no biases, and the rest of the 45 percent was
a split between left-handed bees and right-handed bees."
    In other words, some honeybees have a sidedness. They obviously don’t have
hands, but let’s say they’re either right-handed or left-handed. So, for
example, a right-handed bee would prefer to navigate the cramped right-side
opening in the obstacle than go through the left-side hole, even though it was
larger and safer. Sometimes, the handed bees would even land and walk through
the smaller opening, just so they could use their preferred side.
    These biases apparently help the members of large swarms navigate through a
complex environment without crashing into each other. If all bees were right
handed, it would take a long time for the entire group to pass through a small
opening, such as a hive entrance. But by having a range of side biases, the
entire swarm can move more quickly when it encounters an obstacle.
    Ong thinks that one day engineers could apply this finding. They could
design robotic drone swarms to negotiate obstacles more efficiently. They could
even program self-driving cars to operate less like a chaotic assortment of
humans and more like…an orderly group of honeybees.
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