考研网 发表于 2017-11-30 16:49:45


      China’s “father of hybrid rice” becomes Internet sensation after speech in
    A video clip of China’s “father of hybrid rice,” Yuan Longping, speaking
English has become a sensation on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.
    The 87-year-old spoke at the 9th Shandong high-level talents forum in
Qingdao. Yuan presented hybrid rice to the world in a 20-minute speech. “I speak
broken English,” the octogenarian started, but during the rest of his speech,
Yuan neither paused nor made any mistakes.
    The audience applauded Yuan’s outstanding scientific contribution and the
wonderful speech he presented. The video was searched 200,000 times and played
over 100 million times by noon on July 12.
    “Yuan has made huge contributions to the country’s agricultural
development. He has fed generations of people,” one net user wrote. “It’s a
surprise that Yuan can speak English at his age,” another commented.
    Yuan in 2016 launched a research and development center focusing on "sea
rice". When fully operational, the variety can produce 50 billion kilograms of
grain, able to feed 200 million people.
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