2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!House dust could spur growth of human fat cells,suggests study
House dust amounts of just three micrograms were shown to affect the cells
-far lower than the mass of dust children are exposed to daily.
Small amounts of house dust containing compounds of environmental
pollutants could be playing a role in the growth of fat cells.
Researchers from the American Chemical Society have found that compounds
called endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in house dust can spur fat
cells to accumulate more fat.
In the study, fat cells accumulated an additional type of fat called
triglycerides as a result of house dust being added to the lab petri dishes.
EDCs are synthetic or naturally occurring compounds that can replicate the
body’s hormones. Evidence from animal studies has also suggested that early life
exposure to some EDCs can cause weight gain in later life.
EDCs are commonly found in consumer goods and eventually end up in indoor
dust. House dust is then inhaled, ingested and absorbed through the skin.
An estimated 50 milligrams accumulaf house dust is consumed every day by
children, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
The researchers collected samples of indoor dust from 11 homes in North
Carolina. Extracts from seven of the 11 dust samples triggered the fat cells to
develop into mature fat cells and accumulate triglycerides. Only one of the dust
samples had no effect.
In nine of the samples, the house dust spurred the cells to divide and by
doing so, create a larger pool of precursor fat cells. The fat cells used in the
study were mouse cell models which are frequently used to test compounds for
potential effects on the accumulation of the triglyceride fats.
In the study house dust amounts of just three micrograms were shown to
affect the cells -far lower than the mass of dust children are exposed to daily.
The researchers suggest that exposure to the chemicals through house dust may
disrupt metabolic health, particularly in children.
In one of the 44 house dust contaminants tested, a substance commonly found
in plastics was found to have the strongest fat-producing effects.