考研网 发表于 2017-11-23 22:20:24


        If, like this newspaper, you believe that politics should be based on evidence, this is worrying. Strong democracies can draw on(make use of) inbuilt defences against post-truth. Authoritarian countries are more vulnerable.
        That politicians sometimes peddle lies is not news: think of Ronald Reagan's fib that his administration had not traded weapons with Iran in order to secure the release of hostages and to fund the efforts of rebels in Nicaragua. Dictators and democrats seeking to deflect blame for their own incompetence have always manipulated the truth; sore losers have always accused the other lot of lying.
        peddle v. 兜售
        fib n. 谎言
        Deflect v 转移、弯曲
        inflect v. 〔词形〕屈折变化
        Most nouns in English are inflected for plural use by adding “-s” or “-es.”
        hostages 人质
        Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜(拉丁美洲一国家)

        But post-truth politics is more than just an invention of whingeing elites who have been outflanked. The term picks out the heart of what is new: that truth is not falsified, or contested (contentious), but of secondary importance. Once, the purpose of political lying was to create a false view of the world. The lies of men like Mr Trump do not work like that. They are not intended to convince the elites, whom their target voters neither trust nor like, but to reinforce prejudices.
        Whinge v. whine
        People were whinging about the lack of service.
        Outflank v. get the better of 占上风
        Falsify v. 歪曲
        He was caught falsifying financial accounts.
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