考研网 发表于 2017-11-22 17:23:22


    Biometric Identifies You in a Heartbeat
    Smartphones can already verify your identity by scanning your fingerprint
or your face. But there’s something inside you that’s also unique proof that
you’re you.
    Researchers have developed a device that uses low-powered Doppler radar to
decode the unique geometry of a user’s heart…and how it squeezes and swells as
it beats. That biometric information can authenticate the identity of the person
under scrutiny.
    And if the wrong person sits down: "It would recognize that there is a
heart, but the geometry of my heart is different from yours so it would still
log me out." Wenyao Xu is a computer scientist at the University at Buffalo who
helped develop the tech.
    He says this unusual biometric is robust, because it’s actually two
different biometrics. The first is the shape of your heart-a ’biologic’
biometric or static trait, like fingerprints or iris patterns. The second is the
beating of your heart: what’s called a ’behavioral’ biometric-which analyzes a
dynamic process, and can be harder to spoof.
    So far they’ve tested the system on about 100 people-with an accuracy of
over 98 percent. They’ll present the results this month at the MobiCom
conference in Utah.
    目前为止,他们已经利用该系统测试了约100人-准确度超过98%。并将在犹他州的 MobiCom会议上展示此成果。
    Xu says the radiation from the device isn’t harmful-just a fraction of that
we get from our smartphones. But at a couple inches in size, the unit’s not
quite ready to fit inside a smartphone. "Uh, not yet. So we’re waiting for the
call from Apple." Because ya gotta have heart. But you also gotta have
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语双语阅读:生物识别心跳技术