考研网 发表于 2017-11-22 17:23:21


    Cannibalism Quells Contagion among Caterpillars
    Ben Van Allen collects caterpillars. While doing postdoctoral research at
Louisiana State University, Van Allen saw that some of the caterpillars were
having others for lunch. Rather than cry over his losses, Van Allen took
advantage of the cannibalism for his research.
    Ben Van Allen喜欢收集毛毛虫。在路易斯安那州立大学做博士后研究时,Van Allen看到一些毛毛虫会把同类当午餐吃掉。Van
    “Generally speaking, it’s nutritious to eat the same species, because they
have all the nutrients that are already inside you, so it’s an easy-to-process
    “It also reduces the amount of competition you are going to experience –
it’s just one fewer individual trying to eat the same food you are, in the same
area. And it’s usually easy to find members of the same species too, since they
live in the same place you do.”
    Van Allen and colleagues collected the caterpillars to study disease
transmission in lepidoptera—moths and butterflies. After observing the
cannibalism they wondered if their subjects’ appetite for each other might be
dangerous for the individual—if it ate an infected cousin—but benefit the
group—by removing the infected individual from the population.
    “Our main point is that, while that is an individually risky thing for a
cannibal, as populations are more cannibalistic, they actually prevent diseases
from getting into the population in the first place.”
    Van Allen’s study is in the journal American Naturalist.
    Van Allen的研究结果发表在《美国自然主义者》杂志上。
    It was released at the same time as a study in the journal Nature Ecology
& Evolution that showed that chemicals produced by plants can ward off
caterpillars, by inducing the caterpillars to eat each other instead of the
    “It would be kind of an ironic thing, if a disease was coming into this
caterpillar population and the plants caused them to become more cannibalistic
and that prevented the disease from coming in and actually ended up worse for
the plant than it was in the first place.”
    Worse for the plant because the cannibal behavior caused the caterpillar
population to wind up up healthier—and hungrier.
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查看完整版本: 2018考研英语阅读:毛毛虫同类相食居然能对抗传染病