考研网 发表于 2017-11-21 20:49:05


  Day 15
      agricultural adj. 农业的;农艺的
      单词记忆: agriculture(农业)+al(形容词后缀)→缺少缺乏
      shortage n. 缺乏,缺少;不足
      单词记忆:short (短的;不足的;矮的,低的)+age 名词后缀→缺少缺乏
      avoid vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除
      improve vt. 改善,增进;提高…的价值vi. 增加;变得更好
      单词记忆:im(加强)+prove (better)→ 变得更好→改善,增进;提高
      score n. 分数;二十 vt. 获得;评价;划线,把…记下vi. 得分;记分;刻痕
      possible adj. 可能的;合理的;合适的n. 可能性;合适的人;可能的事物
      professional adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的n. 专业人员;职业运动员
      单词记忆:pro (前面)+fess (说)+ion(名词后缀)+al(形容词后缀)→站在前面讲话的人(如教授)是专业的人士---专业的;职业的
      reeducate vt. 再教育;重新教育;再培训
      friendship n. 友谊;友爱;友善
      chairmanship n. 主席的身份或资格
      insufficient adj. 不足的,不充足的n. 不足
      单词记忆:in(否定)+sufficient 充足的→不充足的
      popular adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的
      单词记忆:popul(people 民众)+ar (形容词后缀)→民众的,流行的
      timely adj. 及时的;适时的adv. 及时地;早
      单词记忆:time 时间+ly (加形容词作副词,加名词成形容词)-及时的
      thrive vi. 繁荣,兴旺;茁壮成长
      assertion n. 断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持
      单词记忆:as(加强) + sert (说)+ion →肯定的说---断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持
      economic adj. 经济的,经济上的;经济学的
      单词记忆:eco(house)+nom(managing)+ic 形容词后缀→经济上的,经济学的
      recovery n. 恢复,复原;痊愈;重获
      untrue adj. 不真实的;不合标准的;不忠实的;不正当的
      单词记忆:un (否定前缀)+true (正确,正当)→不正当繁荣,不真实的
      harmful adj. 有害的;能造成损害的
      单词记忆:harm(伤害)+ful (充满)→有害的
      automobile . 汽车
      单词记忆:auto(self)+mobile (移动)→自己移动的机械—汽车
      blame vt. 责备;归咎于n. 责备;责任;过失
      decline n. 下降;衰退;斜面vi. 下降;衰落;谢绝vt. 谢绝;婉拒
      单词记忆:de-(down )+clin(bend)+e =向下弯曲→倾斜,衰退
      conversation n. 交谈;会话;社交
      单词记忆:con (together)+vers(turn)转移,改变,转向+ation(名词后缀)
      vague adj. 模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的
      单词记忆: vag(wander徘徊)+ue(后缀)→原指说话时漫游而思想不集中→意思含糊的)
      discover vt. 发现;发觉vi. 发现
      单词记忆:dis(deprive of )+cover →发现(使失去掩盖)
      principle n. 原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉
      单词记忆:prin(first)+cip(to take)+le(line准绳)→第一的东西→拿出自己最终于的做事准绳→原理,原则
      participation n. 参与;分享;参股
      单词记忆:part(part)+tion (名词后缀)→参与,分享
      modification n. 修改,修正;改变
      单词记忆:mod(manner)+ify(make)+c+ation (名词后缀)→变更,修饰
      ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼
      单词记忆:cere(cereal谷物) +momy(ment 的变位仪式,有礼貌的行为)→最早的典礼是为了庆祝谷物的丰收→典礼,仪式;礼节
      attend vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴vi. 出席;致力于;照料;
      单词记忆:at(to)+tend (stretch)伸展→(周围充满气息) 参加
      solution n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答
      单词记忆: solu (-loosen 松开)+tion(名词后缀)→溶剂松散的分布于水中→溶液;溶解
      independent adj. 独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的n. 独立自主者;
      单词记忆:in (not) +depend(依靠)+ent (形容词后缀)→不依靠的→独立的;单独的
      compliment n. 恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺vt. 恭维;称赞
      单词记忆:com (with)+pli(full)+ment(名词后缀)→说圆满的话→道贺(使对方满足的东西)
      restriction n. 限制;约束;束缚
      单词记忆:re(back)+strict(draw tight)+ion (名词后缀)→限制,约束
      proposal n. 提议,建议;求婚
      单词记忆:pro(before)+pos(put )+al(名词后缀)
      digital adj. 数字的;手指的n. 数字;键
      单词记忆:digit (数字)+al(名词,形容词后缀)→数字的,数字
      appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别vi. 增值;涨价
      agitate vt. 摇动;骚动;使…激动vi. 煽动
      单词记忆:ag(act)+ it(加强)+ate(动词后缀)→让你动起来--使…激动vi. 煽动
      rush n. 冲进;匆促;急流;灯心草adj. 急需的vt. 使冲;突袭;匆忙地做;
      单词记忆:ru(run)+sh(ish完成性东西后缀)→ 冲进;匆促;急流
      locked adj. 上锁的;不灵活的;下定决心的
      单词记忆:lock (锁着)+ed(形容词后缀)→上锁的
      leisure n. 闲暇;空闲;安逸adj. 空闲的;有闲的;业余的
      cancer n. 癌症;恶性肿瘤
      contract vi. 收缩;感染;订约vt. 感染;订约;使缩短n. 合同;婚约
      单词记忆:con (together)+tract(draw)→起向里拉→收缩
      insurance n. 保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金
      单词记忆:in (into )+sur(sure)+ance(名词后缀)→使安全,使保险的的东西→保险
      entitle vt. 称做…;定名为…;给…称号;使…有权利
      单词记忆:en(in )+title(名号)→使有资格,定名为
      delivery. n. [贸易] 交付;分娩;递送

kysix 发表于 2017-11-21 22:00:06

      1. if 引导的条件状语从句。例句:
      If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
      2. doing短语作伴随状语。例句:
      All night long he lay awake, thinking of the problem.他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。
      3. 状语从句的省略:分词做状语。例句:
      Being interested in the relationship of language and thought, Whorf developed the idea that the structure of language determines the structure of habitual thought in a society. (在英文中,being done结构往往表示原因。这里being interested 也不例外,作原因状语)
      They arrived at airport, only to find the plane had taken off.
      You don’t need an umbrella unless it is raining. 如果天没有下雨,你就不需要带伞。
      281. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ________ avoided.
       is to be can be will be has been
      282. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ________ it comes to classroom tests.
       before as since when
      283. There are over 100 night schools in the city, making it possible for a professional to be reeducated no matter ________ he does.
       how where what when
      284. I’ve kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school ________ twenty years ago.
       about since till with
      285. He wasn’t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, ________ insufficiently popular with all members.
       being considered considering to be considered having considered
      286. ________ for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.
       Had it not been Were it not Be it not Should it not be
      287. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery ________ just around the corner was untrue.
       would be to be was being
      288. Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills ________ people each year than automobile accidents.
       seven more times seven times more over seven times seven times
      289. It’s easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes ________ place in our ever-changing world.
       taking to take take taken
      290. This is an exciting area of study, and one ________ which new applications are being discovered almost daily.
       from by in through
      291. ________ can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.
       As What That It
      292. Although I had been invited to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend ________ such short notice.
       to in with on
      293. California has more light than it knows ________ to do with but everything else is expensive.
       how what which where
      294. The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, don’t have small children and get along ________ to spend most of their time together.
       so well too well well as well enough
      295. Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about ________ compliments to his political leaders.
       paying having paid to pay to have paid
      296. These proposals sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than ________ in traditional media.
       exist exists existing to exist
      297. As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate ________ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.
       hearing to hear to be hearing having heard
      298. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ________ to find it locked.
       just only hence thus
      299. Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent ________ and the increased number of cases of skin cancer.
       to sunbathe to have sunbathed having sunbathed sunbathing
      300. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled ________ a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.
       to with for on
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