考研网 发表于 2017-11-21 20:49:02


  Day 11
      in turn 依次; 轮到
      prevent v. 防止, 预防; 制止; 阻止; 妨碍;
      valid adj. 有确实根据的, 正当的, 有效的
      motive n. 动机; 目的; 主旨; 主题
      notion n. 概念, 想法, 观念
      circus n. 马戏团, 竞技场, 马戏
      单词记忆:circ=ring,circle,表示“圆,环”+us(后缀) →竞技场
      deliberately adv. 慎重地; 故意地, 谨慎地; 从容不迫地, 不慌不忙地
      单词记忆:de再+liber(=free,表示“自由”“随意”)+ate(动词词缀)+ly(副词词缀) →再次随意的做→故意地
      reluctantly adv. 不情愿地; 勉强地
      tropical adj. 热带的; 酷热的; 位于热带的; 热情的
      单词记忆:trop(=vturn,表示“转”) →tropic回归线(太阳回转的地方)+al(形容词后缀)
      desert v. 从...开小差; 抛弃; 擅离; 逃掉; 开小差
      单词记忆:de分开+sert(=join, insert,表示“加入,插入”)→不再加入→离开
      urgent adj. 急迫的, 紧急的
      set up 竖立; 建立, 创立; 建造
      demonstrate v. 论证, 证明; 示范操作, 展示; 说明, 教; 显示, 表露; 示威
      单词记忆:de加强+monstr(=show, 表示“显示”)+ate(动词后缀)→加强显示→证明
      permanently adv. 永存地; 不变地
      previously adv. 事先; 仓促地; 以前; 不成熟地
      predominantly adv. 占主导地位地; 显著地; 占优势地
      单词记忆:pre在前面+dom(dom-屋顶、家+)inant(复合形容词后缀——顶起来的) →预先支配的→占优势地
      cancel v. 取消; 删去; 相互抵销
      Remarkably adv. 显著地,引人注目地,非常地,格外地
      concise adj. 简洁的, 简明的
      单词记忆:con(=fully加强性)+cise切好→简洁的, 简明的
      precise adj. 精确的, 明白的, 严谨的
      elaborate v. 精心制作; 详细阐述; 详细说明; 变得复杂; 详尽计划
      adj. 精细的, 精心的, 详尽的
      budget n. 预算 v. 编入预算, 安排; 编列预算
      fluctuate v. 变动, 动摇, 上下; 使动摇; 使起伏; 使波动
      单词记忆:fluctu(=wave波浪)+ate(动词词缀) →变动, 动摇
      vibrate v. 振动, 激动, 颤动; 使颤动, 使摆动, 使振动
      单词记忆:vibr(振动;参考)+ate(动词词缀) →振动
      swing n. 摆动, 摇动; 振动; 挥动; 振幅v.摇摆; 大摇大摆地行走; 挥舞; 使回转, 使旋转; 使摆动; 使转向
      preserve v. 保护, 保存, 保持, 禁猎 n. 蜜饯, 禁猎地, 果酱
      单词记忆:pre预先+serv (Serv=serve, keep ,表示“服务,保持”)+e(后缀)→预先保留→保存
      reserve n. 储备; 保留; 储备金; 储藏量 v. 保留, 预订, 保存
      单词记忆:re再+serv(Serv=serve, keep ,表示“服务,保持”)+e(后缀)→再留住→预定
      magnitude n. 大,宏大; 重大,重要; 光度
      assumption n. 设想, 假定; 承担; 担任; 夺取
      单词记忆:as(=ad=to)+sum, sumpt = take 表示“拿,取”+ion(抽象名词后缀) →担任; 夺取

kyfive 发表于 2017-11-21 22:13:04

      1. which 引导的非限制性定语从句:在形式上,从句与被修饰的名词之间必须用逗号隔开;在意义上,从句只是意义上的进一步补充和说明,并不影响被修饰名词的性质界定。缺少该从句,先行词依然性质确定。例句:
      The building still stands in the earthquake, which was built 10 years ago. 那幢大楼是去年建立的,在地震中仍然矗立着。
      2. it 作形式宾语,由 that 引导的从句充当真正宾语:和it 作形式主语一样, 我们常用 it 来作形式宾语, 把真正的宾语从句放在句末。例句:
      He has made it clear that he will not give in. 他表明他不会屈服。
      3. demand等动词后宾语的虚拟:从句中使用 (should)+动原。例句:
      He demands that we should get rid of the bad habits. 他要求我们摒弃这些不良习惯。
      4. whether 引导的表语从句。 例句:
      The question is whether we need to add more computers. 问题是我们是否需添加更多地电脑。
      5. it 作形式主语, whether 引导的主语从句。 例句:
      It is still a mystery whether he will come to join us. 他是否会加入我们仍然是个谜。
      201. Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which ________ increase the risk of heart disease.
       in turn in return by chance by turns
      202. The tourist is prevented from entering a country if he does not have ________ passport.
       an operative a valid an efficient an effective
      203. I like to go to the cinema when I am in the ________ for it.
       motive mind mood notion
      204. The project requires more labor than ________.
       has been put in have been put in being put in to be put in
      205. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can ________ attack their trainer.
       unexpectedly deliberately reluctantly subsequently
      206. There seemed little hope that the explorer, ________ in the tropical forest, would find his way through it.
       to be deserted having deserted to have been deserted having been deserted
      207. The board deemed it urgent that these files ________ right away.
       had to be printed should have been printed must be printed should be printed
      208. The local health organization is reported ________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.
       to be set up being set up to have been set up having been set up
      209. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ________ for.
       be demonstrating demonstrate had been demonstrating have demonstrated
      210. Ted has told me that he always escapes ________ as he has got a very fast sports car.
       to fine to be fined being fined having been fined
      211. More than one third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, ________ in San Francisco.
       previously predominantly practically permanently
      212. Prof. Lee’s book will show you ________ can be used in other contexts.
       that you have observed that how you have observed
       how that you have observed how what you have observed
      213. All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train.
       were canceled had been canceled having canceled having been canceled
      214. The new secretary has written a remarkably ________ report only in a few pages but with all the details.
       concise clear precise elaborate
      215. With prices ________ so much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.
       fluctuating waving swinging vibrating
      216. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ________ healthy.
       preserve stay maintain reserve
      217. Expected noises are usually more ________ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.
       manageable controllable tolerable perceivable
      218. It isn’t so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works ________.
       above all in all at all after all
      219. There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees ________ what constitutes a benefit to an individual.
       on with to in
      220. All the information we have collected in relation to that case ________ very little.
       makes up for adds up to comes up with puts up with
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