考研网 发表于 2017-11-17 18:40:10


      Breathing in Delhi air equivalent to smoking 44 cigarettes a day
    New Delhi (CNN) — It was early on Tuesday morning when residents in the
Indian capital of Delhi first began to notice the thick white haze that had
descended across the city.
    CNN新德里电 周二早间,印度首都德里的居民开始注意到已降临全市的浓厚白色雾霾。
    With visibility severely reduced, trains have been canceled, planes delayed
and cars have piled into each other, with multiple traffic accidents reported
across the city.
    On Tuesday afternoon, city chiefs closed all public and private schools,
requesting instead that the city’s tens of thousands of school-aged children
remain indoors; on Wednesday, they banned incoming trucks and halted civil
construction projects; while on Thursday, they announced new plans to begin
implementing a partial ban on private car use as of next week.
    Air quality readings in the Indian capital have reached frightening levels
in recent days.
    Across the capital, doctors reported a surge in patients complaining of
chest pain, breathlessness and burning eyes.
    Breathing in India’s air with a PM2.5 content of between 950 to 1,000 is
considered roughly equivalent to smoking 44 cigarettes a day, according to the
independent Berkeley Earth science research group.
    According to experts, Delhi pollution is made up of a combination of
vehicle exhaust, smoke from garbage fires and crop burning, and road dust.
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